Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pain In Upper Right Arm

Who are we to judge

Porto all'attenzione questo articolo di Stefano Cappellini perchè,  tra le altre cose, ben chiarisce la posizione di chi "non ama dispensare giudizi morali e non andrà in piazza; non nutre riserve intellettuali sul sesso libero, compreso quello di Berlsuconi, e che però vorrebbe rimanere alla sostanza dei fatti che lo riguardano...

dal Riformista del 10 febbraio 2011

Chi siamo noi  per giudicarlo

di Stefano Cappellini

Silvio Berlusconi è innocente fino a prova contraria. Silvio Berlusconi ha diritto a non essere processato pubblicamente da tribunali della morale, siano essi mediatici o politici. Detto questo...

Silvio Berlusconi è innocente fino a prova contraria. Silvio Berlusconi ha diritto a non essere processato pubblicamente da tribunali della morale, whether the media or politicians. That said, a dispute between the other action, on Montesquieu and the powers of the State, the legacies of feminism, we can say that Silvio Berlusconi has already had time to step down as Prime Minister? A Prime Minister can not call the police station and seek favorable treatment to persons under age incidentally, cheered up his evenings. Can not organize feasts enlisting dozens of escort because it exposes the blackmail and the risk itself and the post they hold. Can not select the candidates on the lists of his party on the basis of frequencies bunga bunga. One could go on.

front of this catalog, it would cost to retire in any European head of government, the defenders of Knight have gone three ways. The first species of defenders, the deniers have in fact denied: all inventions. The dinners? Harmless and elegant evenings. The envelopes with the girls? Charity of a man with a heart of gold. The bunga bunga? An old joke Bisio, what he understood? When it became clear even to the most obtuse that this line defenders could not hold even the titles of TG4, even these days, especially on the titles of TG4, declined to field a better equipped category: historians. They do not deny anything, or almost.

With the orgies with prostitutes (Silvio, they say, has gioia di vivere), non l’inopportunità dei suoi comportamenti rispetto alla carica («Siamo in mutande», ha scritto Giuliano Ferrara, ideologo principe della categoria), non la necessità di porgere all’opinione pubblica versioni dei fatti meno inverosimili e magari anche scuse per quanto emerso. Per gli storicisti, però, tutto va inquadrato in un piano di ventennale guerra della magistratura a Berlusconi, il quale avrà pure esagerato, ma è finito vittima dell’ennesima arbitraria e faziosa vendetta dei pm. Insomma, guai a darla vinta a Ilda Boccassini.

Ma nemmeno questa trincea, un po’ più solida della precedente, ha retto del tutto. Perché tu puoi well as support (there's true) that in Italy the judiciary has encroached often than not, you can try to say that the prosecutors in Milan, where Berlusconi's half, rages more than they should, but then you have come to terms the fact that the first not to be so convinced that the latest alleged offenses are the invention of the lawyers seem to own prime minister. If you have never 'had direct talks with Ruby "(Berlusconi as a few days ago), if the girl is only involved in innocent tables, because now the prime minister and his lawyers are furiously working to establish, in spite of evidence that Ruby he was an adult? And again, lawyers say that Silvio Berlusconi was seriously convinced that the girl was the granddaughter of Mubarak. And the tragedy is that the Italian Parliament voted last week a document in which this thesis is put on paper. Obviously the phone call to police headquarters in Milan was not so ordinary and justifiable if today Ghedini and associates trying to make the country a drink like this truth, exposing the head to an unenviable reviews alternative: either the mind or is a Minus Habens, which may be a fool to believe anything. Favor the former hypothesis.

But the trenches of the anti-historicist pm has not held up because this incident has stirred something deep in the imagination of the country, and it is difficult to convince the crowds and drag spiegando che tutto l’ambaradan che tiene ostaggio il paese si riduce a un match Boccassini vs. Berlusconi. Infatti, da qualche giorno, agli storicisti si sono affiancati gli amoralisti. In molti casi si tratta delle medesime persone che si sono già prodotte nei filoni precedenti. Gli amoralisti sono quelli che, più o meno biblicamente, la buttano sul “chi siete voi giudicare?”. L’obiettivo di questa ultima specie di difensori a oltranza di Berlusconi è dimostrare che la lettura del Rubygate è irrimediabilmente guastata dalle turbe, i ritardi, i complessi, le ipocrisie della sinistra. Ci sono cattolici come Maurizio Lupi o neo-confessionali come Eugenia Roccella i quali spiegano che non ha titolo per biasimare Berlusconi chi has opened the way for the sexual libertinism that Berlusconi is, at best, the purest product of the sixty-eight, the "moral free". Well, we would have to tell them to take them seriously, since sessantottino ask to take their sins, ask for their "son" to step aside: If you are convinced that the Sixty-eight is the general ruin, fight them occupied now that Palazzo Chigi, no? Of course not.

But it's over. Why then there's the feminists, and former feminist and former Communist Affairs, which will explain that if the Feb. 13 women tread the streets just the ideals of a time when we were libertarians and secured, open-minded and intellectually open. Even for them, after all, Berlusconi is the son of Sixty-eight, but in this case it is well seen: the Knight is the imagination at Palazzo Chigi in power (and screens to give wrong).

This cross blades of intellectual and academic - fascinating, for heaven's sake - has the effect of a smoke screen. At the bar of the media debate but Berlusconi is no longer the "companion" chauvinistic, right-thinking the female, the shareholder wig. And we, in this story that we never wanted to dispense with moral judgments that we will not go into the streets, which do not have reservations intellectuals on free sex, including that of Berlsuconi, but which we would stay to the substance of the facts concerning him, is still to ask whether it should then be so reactionary that the male or female who thinks badly of a girl who gives to the rich and powerful in order to gain a social advantage over that material. Or if you should feel tails women who manifest a little 'shell that Member, the Regional Councillor ol'eurodeputata are such because, to paraphrase a famous joke, "under the fourth measure is not real politics." But we will not delve on this road. Would give a hand to the new defenders of the Knight.

Just one more notation. The left has such a big fault in this matter. They did not find the appointment and still not be ready. If now the defenders of the Knight can stick to a sgrammaticature Saviano or morality of some sophisticated lady, this is because, despite Berlusconi reduced as it is, on the other side there is a credible alternative, which could remove it a breath: there is a political project to define either a coalition or a candidate for prime minister. And at least in this case, fortunately, no one has yet dared to blame the Sixty.


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