Sunday, February 27, 2011

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A dystopian society


The false entries are destructive not only when they are orchestrated to defame individuals, in the long run can undermine democracy itself. The author [Cass Sunstein - Ed] the scenario envisions a future society "dystopian" where [...] "the collective beliefs are the product of social networks that act as an echo chamber in which the items such as fires blaze in the forest , where every rumor is accepted if it puts a bad light on those who are perceived as adversaries. "

in Federico Rampini, Far West, Mondadori, 2010, pp. 115-116

-gl Counter Strike Source Launch Options

A dystopian society


The false entries are destructive not only when they are orchestrated to defame individuals, in the long run can undermine democracy itself. The author [Cass Sunstein - Ed] the scenario envisions a future society "dystopian" where [...] "the collective beliefs are the product of social networks that act as an echo chamber in which the items such as fires blaze in the forest , where every rumor is accepted if it puts a bad light on those who are perceived as adversaries. "

in Federico Rampini, Far West, Mondadori, 2010, pp. 115-116

Sample Request For Disconnection

Presadiretta (as long as there is no life Iacona)


Oggi, nel disastrato bilancio della sanità, risultano sotto la voce di “beni da reddito”, cioè da far fruttare. […] estensioni immense di terre, boschi, pascoli ed enormi aziende agricole, castelli, persino interi borghi del 700, e ancora, mille appartamenti nel centro storico di Roma, il più caro di Italia. Ebbene, si tratta di un patrimonio pubblico immenso che si continua a sperperare. Stasera a Presadiretta vi faremo vedere come questo patrimonio sia stato in parte già svenduto, ben al di sotto dei prezzi di mercato, dove gli unici che non ci guadagnano mai sono gli enti pubblici, il bene comune, l’interesse of all, while financial, banking and the usual "clientes" that yes, with markups of 100 percent. [...] When tonight you will see the work the doctors and nurses in the emergency room of the San Camillo, one of the most important of the capital, you will realize what it means to work in public hospitals today. [...] These are the results of years of bad politics, now all we have to pay billions of euro in debt on our shoulders. After all this is the country where the dental hygienist is an adviser to Silvio Berlusconi's most important regions of Italy, in 9000 € net per month. On the orders of the President.

Riccardo Iacona, Fq.

Sample Request For Disconnection

Presadiretta (as long as there is no life Iacona)


Oggi, nel disastrato bilancio della sanità, risultano sotto la voce di “beni da reddito”, cioè da far fruttare. […] estensioni immense di terre, boschi, pascoli ed enormi aziende agricole, castelli, persino interi borghi del 700, e ancora, mille appartamenti nel centro storico di Roma, il più caro di Italia. Ebbene, si tratta di un patrimonio pubblico immenso che si continua a sperperare. Stasera a Presadiretta vi faremo vedere come questo patrimonio sia stato in parte già svenduto, ben al di sotto dei prezzi di mercato, dove gli unici che non ci guadagnano mai sono gli enti pubblici, il bene comune, l’interesse of all, while financial, banking and the usual "clientes" that yes, with markups of 100 percent. [...] When tonight you will see the work the doctors and nurses in the emergency room of the San Camillo, one of the most important of the capital, you will realize what it means to work in public hospitals today. [...] These are the results of years of bad politics, now all we have to pay billions of euro in debt on our shoulders. After all this is the country where the dental hygienist is an adviser to Silvio Berlusconi's most important regions of Italy, in 9000 € net per month. On the orders of the President.

Riccardo Iacona, Fq.

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Milleproroghe - allocates and rule

Article 2-c, paragraph 1, provides that in municipalities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants is "an experimentation in favor of charitable organizations" in the management of social card the last twelve months. [...] In other words, the state will give the card to buy an unspecified " charitable organizations" and the latter will have to decide who to social card and who is not, by subtracting this to the service performance of municipalities. It is a revolution in the management of welfare. Instead of giving money directly to the poor, the state will give them "charitable organizations".

Tito Boeri and Giuseppe Pisauro , milleproroghe FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM , .

On what will be the "charitable" deputies to administer this new social state could already donated advance of reckless speculation. But it would not be news to serious professionals such as those pensively roam allisciandosi bushy beard and thick favorites in this version, so who knows.


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Milleproroghe - allocates and rule

Article 2-c, paragraph 1, provides that in municipalities with more than 250 thousand inhabitants is "an experimentation in favor of charitable organizations" in the management of social card the last twelve months. [...] In other words, the state will give the card to buy an unspecified " charitable organizations" and the latter will have to decide who to social card and who is not, by subtracting this to the service performance of municipalities. It is a revolution in the management of welfare. Instead of giving money directly to the poor, the state will give them "charitable organizations".

Tito Boeri and Giuseppe Pisauro , milleproroghe FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM , .

On what will be the "charitable" deputies to administer this new social state could already donated advance of reckless speculation. But it would not be news to serious professionals such as those pensively roam allisciandosi bushy beard and thick favorites in this version, so who knows.


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Not in her name (in whose name?)

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"Until a few days the PDL is claimed that I had never been included in the party, whereas last year he even thought to use my signature in an illegal way, by playing well myself. This confirms that the election of Nicole Minetti and the entire list of blocked Formigoni, certainly with regard to my signature, it is absolutely illegal. "

Sara Judge: not signed it to the list Minetti, Fq, Fr 2.

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Not in her name (in whose name?)

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"Until a few days the PDL is claimed that I had never been included in the party, whereas last year he even thought to use my signature in an illegal way, by playing well myself. This confirms that the election of Nicole Minetti and the entire list of blocked Formigoni, certainly with regard to my signature, it is absolutely illegal. "

Sara Judge: not signed it to the list Minetti, Fq, Fr 2.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Awakening, 24.02.2011.

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Awakening, 24.02.2011.

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There is little doubt that Libya, even without Mr Qaddafi, will remain a messy and possibly violent place. His rule has burdened it with a legacy of inadequate institutions, tangled laws and burning animosities. Sorting through this wreckage will take time, energy and ingenuity. Yet Libya does have some things going for it. It has plenty of cash, with foreign reserves alone totalling nearly $140 billion. Its talented exiles are eager to return. And, in a sense Mr Qaddafi is unlikely to have foreseen, the trauma of his rule may have forged a national identity much more heartfelt than it was before.

Endgame in Tripoli , the Economist , 24 febbraio 2011.

Steel Seal Compression


There is little doubt that Libya, even without Mr Qaddafi, will remain a messy and possibly violent place. His rule has burdened it with a legacy of inadequate institutions, tangled laws and burning animosities. Sorting through this wreckage will take time, energy and ingenuity. Yet Libya does have some things going for it. It has plenty of cash, with foreign reserves alone totalling nearly $140 billion. Its talented exiles are eager to return. And, in a sense Mr Qaddafi is unlikely to have foreseen, the trauma of his rule may have forged a national identity much more heartfelt than it was before.

Endgame in Tripoli , the Economist , 24 febbraio 2011.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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from crime.

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gives me kicks from behind


from crime.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Only crimes


But above all there is a huge political responsibility of those who profited on Security Policy has the votes and consensus. It is easier to increase penalties, to invent new crimes that make prevention and care in the area. So the prisons have become the other dark side of Italy, under the social carpet which no one wants to put the powder in front of home, of real social landfill. But at least they work? The data tell us no. Some 67 percent of those who spend their entire sentence in the cells of our prisons back to crime. The primary mission, inscribed in Article 27 of the Constitution, that "the punishment should be aimed at rehabilitation of the offender" is widely rejected. But at least the prisoners are cheap? No, from 120 to 150 € per day for each of the 68 000 inmates in Italian schools. Much more than it costs a drug addict in a community that can cure it. They bring many votes to the parties of the 'order' and 'security'? Yes, but this is also our fault.

Riccardo Iacona, 22 hours sitting: the drama of the prison to "Presadiretta" , FQ, p. 8.

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Only crimes


But above all there is a huge political responsibility of those who profited on Security Policy has the votes and consensus. It is easier to increase penalties, to invent new crimes that make prevention and care in the area. So the prisons have become the other dark side of Italy, under the social carpet which no one wants to put the powder in front of home, of real social landfill. But at least they work? The data tell us no. Some 67 percent of those who spend their entire sentence in the cells of our prisons back to crime. The primary mission, inscribed in Article 27 of the Constitution, that "the punishment should be aimed at rehabilitation of the offender" is widely rejected. But at least the prisoners are cheap? No, from 120 to 150 € per day for each of the 68 000 inmates in Italian schools. Much more than it costs a drug addict in a community that can cure it. They bring many votes to the parties of the 'order' and 'security'? Yes, but this is also our fault.

Riccardo Iacona, 22 hours sitting: the drama of the prison to "Presadiretta" , FQ, p. 8.

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from misdeeds.

Pinky Brownish Discharge?


from misdeeds.

Wishing Well21st Wording




Article 1.

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.

The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 2.

The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and demands the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic e sociale.

Art. 3.

Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.

È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l'effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese.

Art. 4.

La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo this right.

Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.

Article 5.

The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization.

Article 6.

The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules.

Section 7.

The State and the Catholic Church are, each in its own order, independent and sovereign.

Their relations are regulated by the Lateran Pacts. Changes to the Treaties accepted by both parties do not require the procedure for constitutional amendment.

Article 8.

All religious confessions are equally free before the law.

The religious denominations other than Catholic have the right to organize in accordance with its statutes, are not in conflict with the Italian legal system.

Their relations with the State are regulated by law on the basis of agreements with their respective representatives.

Article 9.

The Republic promotes the development of cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica.

Tutela il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione.

Art. 10.

L'ordinamento giuridico italiano si conforma alle norme del diritto internazionale generalmente riconosciute.
La condizione giuridica dello straniero è regolata dalla legge in conformità delle norme e dei trattati internazionali.

Lo straniero, al quale sia impedito nel suo paese l'effettivo esercizio delle libertà democratiche garantite dalla Costituzione italiana, ha diritto d'asilo nel territorio della Repubblica secondo le condizioni stabilite dalla legge.
Non è ammessa l'estradizione dello straniero per reati politici.

Article 11.

Italy repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes allows, on an equal footing with other states, to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice between nations, promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.

Article 12 The flag of the Republic is the Italian flag: green, white and red, in three vertical bands of equal size.

Section 54.

All i cittadini hanno il dovere di essere fedeli alla Repubblica e di osservarne la Costituzione e le leggi.
I cittadini cui sono affidate funzioni pubbliche hanno il dovere di adempierle con disciplina ed onore, prestando giuramento nei casi stabiliti dalla legge.

Wishing Well21st Wording




Article 1.

Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.

The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 2.

The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and demands the fulfillment of the mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic e sociale.

Art. 3.

Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.

È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l'eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l'effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all'organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese.

Art. 4.

La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo this right.

Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.

Article 5.

The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization.

Article 6.

The Republic protects linguistic minorities with special rules.

Section 7.

The State and the Catholic Church are, each in its own order, independent and sovereign.

Their relations are regulated by the Lateran Pacts. Changes to the Treaties accepted by both parties do not require the procedure for constitutional amendment.

Article 8.

All religious confessions are equally free before the law.

The religious denominations other than Catholic have the right to organize in accordance with its statutes, are not in conflict with the Italian legal system.

Their relations with the State are regulated by law on the basis of agreements with their respective representatives.

Article 9.

The Republic promotes the development of cultura e la ricerca scientifica e tecnica.

Tutela il paesaggio e il patrimonio storico e artistico della Nazione.

Art. 10.

L'ordinamento giuridico italiano si conforma alle norme del diritto internazionale generalmente riconosciute.
La condizione giuridica dello straniero è regolata dalla legge in conformità delle norme e dei trattati internazionali.

Lo straniero, al quale sia impedito nel suo paese l'effettivo esercizio delle libertà democratiche garantite dalla Costituzione italiana, ha diritto d'asilo nel territorio della Repubblica secondo le condizioni stabilite dalla legge.
Non è ammessa l'estradizione dello straniero per reati politici.

Article 11.

Italy repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes allows, on an equal footing with other states, to the limitations of sovereignty necessary for an order that ensures peace and justice between nations, promotes and encourages international organizations having such ends.

Article 12 The flag of the Republic is the Italian flag: green, white and red, in three vertical bands of equal size.

Section 54.

All i cittadini hanno il dovere di essere fedeli alla Repubblica e di osservarne la Costituzione e le leggi.
I cittadini cui sono affidate funzioni pubbliche hanno il dovere di adempierle con disciplina ed onore, prestando giuramento nei casi stabiliti dalla legge.

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already Leonessa Brescia In a humble servant and now, under siege from pollution, plagued by unnecessary number plate, sad and inhumane, the council finds nothing better than to organize in the city center - along with several boxes and boxes set up for Valentine's Day - a beautiful ceremony of people, band, torches and Alpine, with coachmen and coaches (all brought to the center do not know where, with its beautiful trailers and trucks), which symbolizes the request for protection, good luck, healing, prosperity and double charges that the civil institution , the City, is the patron saints - that is the Church (just a municipal decision, given it is assumed free of charge, on a parchment then donated to the parish priest of San Faustino and Jupiter) - and that is magnanimously granted under a hat-shaped talisman handed over to representatives of city politics. All this is no accident extrication from the rotting entrails sometimes embarrassing story of a medieval tradition of civic peggior clericalismo destrorso e fascistoide, e rifondando la ridicola “confraternita dei Santi Patroni”. Nel 2011.

E così poi la stampa cittadina e l’emittente televisiva locale, pesantemente infiltrati dalla confederazione episcopale, si trovano davanti praterie in cui affondare in contropiede, tra l’altro intervistando vecchie signore che commentando commendano il buon costume di rinsaldare i legami tra stato e chiesa per arginare la corruttela dei tempi. Come si sia arrivati a questo punto non si capisce.

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already Leonessa Brescia In a humble servant and now, under siege from pollution, plagued by unnecessary number plate, sad and inhumane, the council finds nothing better than to organize in the city center - along with several boxes and boxes set up for Valentine's Day - a beautiful ceremony of people, band, torches and Alpine, with coachmen and coaches (all brought to the center do not know where, with its beautiful trailers and trucks), which symbolizes the request for protection, good luck, healing, prosperity and double charges that the civil institution , the City, is the patron saints - that is the Church (just a municipal decision, given it is assumed free of charge, on a parchment then donated to the parish priest of San Faustino and Jupiter) - and that is magnanimously granted under a hat-shaped talisman handed over to representatives of city politics. All this is no accident extrication from the rotting entrails sometimes embarrassing story of a medieval tradition of civic peggior clericalismo destrorso e fascistoide, e rifondando la ridicola “confraternita dei Santi Patroni”. Nel 2011.

E così poi la stampa cittadina e l’emittente televisiva locale, pesantemente infiltrati dalla confederazione episcopale, si trovano davanti praterie in cui affondare in contropiede, tra l’altro intervistando vecchie signore che commentando commendano il buon costume di rinsaldare i legami tra stato e chiesa per arginare la corruttela dei tempi. Come si sia arrivati a questo punto non si capisce.