Thursday, January 20, 2011

Souvenir Ids London Ontario

shareholder vote on behalf of the dignity of Italy. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CLARITY

La fine dell'impero

Porto all'attenzione l'articolo di Peppino Caldarola, pubblicato su Il Riformista del 18 gennaio 2011, quale ulteriore contributo alla necessità di rispondere con chiarezza,lucidità e fermezza all'ennesimo tentativo di negare l'evidenza dei fatti, offendendo così, tra le altre cose, anche l'intelligenza di quegli italiano che non hanno ancora rinunciato a ragionare con la propria testa..


Qualsiasi alternative is better than that

Peppino Caldarola

Everything is better than the slow wasting of our civic life: another government, another right-wing leaders. Otherwise Italians decide

The Last Picture Show is the worst. Italy deserved more, even Berlusconi deserved a sunset less demeaning. It was not a dictatorship, it will end like a dictatorship. It is not because there was an opposition that has won twice and wasted victory, because the other branches of government were left standing, because the government has been seized with the vote. Will end up as a dictatorship because the identification of power with the adventures of a lewd man devoid of decoration is so enveloping and suffocating the country's civic life. You do not need rhetoric to describe the condition in which we are plummeting. We only know that things can not continue.

will the judiciary to determine if what comes out of the investigation deserves a penalty. The public can not be abandoned to judge what he knew. Quirinale rightly speaks of a "troubled country" and the bishops' newspaper, The Future, gives voice to the unease of the Catholic world. The defensive line supporters of Prime Minister appears to be similar to that of ultimi cantori di un regime. C’è la chiamata a raccolta contro il nemico interno, l’appello alla disubbidienza verso altri organi dello Stato, la disinvoltura morale che veste di legittimità comportamenti che ciascuno considererebbe censurabili per un normale cittadino. Neppure loro, che dicono di difendere il premier, hanno indulgenza verso il degrado che sta emergendo. Parlano di spie, di escort, di festini come fossero il cuore della vita nazionale e chiedono agli italiani incollati davanti alla tv di testimoniare la loro solidarietà per le manie di un miliardario che ha perso il senso del limite. Un sovversivismo da parvenu anima questi facinorosi della maggioranza silenziosa.

Il dramma del Pdl, in questa ultima agonizzante version, is the absence of a republican spirit in their ranks. There is no voice that rises to censor the chilling image of a sick man exposed to the insults of a group of escort, to trade in money of his false friends, to the solidarity of those who still needed him. Veronica Lario was right, no friends, not people who love him. He closed in his ivory tower and those dreams of empire perennial others hail frightened by the future without him and that nothing in return. When you hear the defenders of the premier office scares the amount of lies that are offered to the public debate on the state of democracy in the country in order to save their protector-protected. Offendono l’Italia per salvare il “vecchio porco” dallo “sputtanamento”. Anche il linguaggio che usano è in sintonia con il racconto dei verbali piuttosto che con il dramma politico in cui siamo precipitati.

Abbiamo pensato per anni di avere di fronte un avversario spigoloso, capace di far sognare milioni di italiani e ci siamo interrogati e divisi sul modo di contrastarlo fra chi privilegiava la via politica e chi sceglieva il messaggio etico-morale. Berlusconi e il berlusconismo sembravano avere una loro grandezza, qualcosa che avrebbe segnato comunque il nostro tempo. Quella che appare in queste ore è invece l’immagine di un leader concentrato sulle sue manie, circondato da gente di avventura, sostenuto da a political staff is terrified that ringing the bell of the last lap. His words and those of his supporters are even more serious than it appears from the investigation in Milan. There is a demand for a lifestyle empire down in a season in which the vast majority of the population is sick, and there is an appeal to a kind of civil revolt against the state. Italy seems rushed back centuries. On the anniversary of the 150th anniversary of the first scene seems to require a new Bourbon court that calls to those who are worse paid and mobilizing people to hand to claim a legitimacy lost. The adventure story will Berlusconi's political, but he can not help but take note that his fall is like a cinepanettoni. Ruby and other little matter to us, as Lele Mora and Emilio Fede. It is not that we want them to talk. The risk we run as a civil community is to let these waters flow back fetid river bed of the national history. The resistance of Berlusconi and Berlusconi to acknowledge that the situation is unsustainable can overwhelm the country.

So you can not go forward. It's time for decisions that will affect our future. We turn to that world of the right who believed in the premier and his "liberal reforms" because it promises to with reality, who thought that the exaggerated life of a leader was the right price for breaking the rules of the old politics. What we see is the policy of the world's oldest, an episode in the history of many of the degeneration of a power that controls and does not want to change the public mind so disheartening. Anything is better than the slow wasting of our civic life. If anyone of the old world that Berlusconi has not lost its sense of the state, it is time to come forward. At stake is not the betrayal of a political loyalty, but the lack of a leadership role. People who believed in the right Berlusconi may try to present their ideas in a political framework purified this faction that succeeds even difficult to define. It is right that the opposition is aimed at those in the PDL feel the urgency of the moment but it is also necessary that prisoners do not remain reticent to answer. The opposition must find the strength to come together to react to this shameful spectacle. Find agreement on a personality to the above parties, high profile political and moral and request an early voting to put an end to this massacre. We can not wait any longer. The myth of the invincibility of Berlusconi is the last flag to be flown in recent weeks. Many political leaders are concerned that the deterioration of the situation to the early dissolution of the Chambers and to a long and tough electoral battle will harm the country. Legitimate concerns that do not take into account that the only thing that really hurts to Italy is the continuation of a crisis by dark contours. If there is any government that can replace Berlusconi's well-being. If there is a right-wing leaders who wish to participate in efforts to take Italy out of this quagmire will seize the moment. Italians decide otherwise.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


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