Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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analysis brings to the attention of Joseph D'Avanzo, La Repubblica published on January 19, 2011, for the clarity with which they are told the facts, which show a reality that can not be judged and condemned morally - beyond the likely implications of criminal - and that should force us all to a rebellion in the name not only the dignity of our country and our institutions, but also, and above all in the name of the personal dignity of everyone, which can only force us to react to yet another attempt to escape, disguise and distort the truth up to deny the evidence of the facts, so trying, awkwardly, and boldly, to circumvent the implications - of course, proper and necessary-resulting therefrom.


The trouble of the sovereign and the tale of conspiracy

to: Giuseppe D'Avanzo

claqueurs repeat the usual moves. Change the sign of the facts. Inhabit the same building away from the heart of the country. They belong to the same family and are ferocious in defense of the status quo, the sovereign ordered around by a stupid sexual compulsivity and love of self, Nero, Heliogabalus, maiestas unworthy in his way of being ridiculous in his dreams, his gestures, in his body, in its grotesque sexuality.

indifferent to the mechanical power of the Sovereign, masks chanting organize pictures where "true / false", "fair / unfair", "Correct / incorrect" qualifications are fluid and manipulable. They want each figure vanishes in the fog and use logical formulas sound confused, "aggressive", "comes executioner", "political attack", even "coup". Uvula obedient even shake the ghost of mental plot, story of powerless, irresponsible deceit that fear reality.

It is easy to reverse the nonsense. There is no "trap." Berlusconi slips in the cage alone. A whore Brazilian warns him while he was in Paris in an official ceremony: Ruby is in its Police Department. Ruby is the sovereign. He started around to contend in 2009: the girl is sixteen years old. Bale belly dancing. The Sovereign is having fun. He infatuated with the new year, 2010. Logical to shake when the alert from Milan. Ruby is a minor, is

in the hands of the police, has a loose tongue can ruin it. Only in appearance is not unreasonable that he - president of the Council - to put away. Must do to prevent others know the secret of his report. Call the chief of staff of the Milan police headquarters at around 23:45 on 27 May. Already quest'intromissione would mark the end of a political homme d'Etat. It is a detail that the uvula of the Sovereign ignored in the din that they hold. It is a particularly decisive, on the contrary. This phone call is the beginning of history and initiative which constitutes the crime of extortion. The tracking is when a public official (Berlusconi is) abusing his position or his power to induce others to conduct unfair. In that hour of the night by police unleashed a hell upon the head of the official service (Giorgia Iafrate). Receives in 134 minutes (from 23:59:27 to 02:14:12) fifteen phone calls from his superiors (12 from the chief of staff, office manager 3 from prevention, his head): a phone call every nine minutes. Quest'esorbitante pressure produces a poisonous fruit. A weak player, a minor without family, homeless, without income who usually works as a prostitute, is not subject to the protection of the State with the intervention of abusive head of government misconduct that requires officers to Police Headquarters. To 2.00 Ruby was entrusted to Nicole Minetti, in charge of the head of government, and this again delivered to a Brazilian prostitute despite indications binding of the prosecutor. Only later, at 2:20:43, Giorgia Iafrate asked to determine the intention of the family of Ruby at 04:00 and only the police meet with parents of the girl, then they will never be questioned, contrary to what is referred to the prosecution (it is an obligation unavoidable, they have the parental authority).

Berlusconi of Italy in the world of paper mache masks repeated chanting "where is the evidence? "some simpleton is affected while the souls dim grasp of the information that question like a drowning wood (which should never be taken to contradict the position and power.) Proof of Berlusconi's bribery is clear, firm , indestructible. Anyone can see it. Accorti, lawyers do not dispute the prime minister. You keep away from the facts. They talk of forms: the Milan prosecutors had the power? answers no, the investigation was therefore unlawful. instigate revolt heads turkish to that overflow vent on talk-show where the anxiety (it's really the last stop the Sovereign?) Waving frenzied blows. They ignore a simple rules: the rule states that any public official (State Government) shall be deemed guilty of extortion by the Court of Ministers if the graft is functional (it would have been if police had telephoned the Minister of Interior). Conversely, if the officer does not abuse his powers, but the quality of the position (as in our case, Berlusconi) no court of Ministers.

The concussion is a very serious offense (12 years maximum sentence). This is especially if, as in this matter, it shows aggravated by some circumstances. Berlusconi manipulates the will and the conduct of officials of the police to conceal another crime, the facilitation of child prostitution, and hide the "puttanaio" under the roof of Arcore, "which cause harm to his image as a public man."

Here to drown in oblivion what happened, the lawyers venturing into a stunt. They say: of course not allowed and granted, that the aiding and abetting the prostitution of minors there was, was committed to Arcore, Monza. Thus, authority is not Milan. It is a mammoth wrinkle, all the more surprising because the two lawyers are premier members of parliament. It is surprising that not remember how it was just this government, their majority, to reinstate the jurisdiction of crimes of sexual violence for the district attorney. So, in our case, in Milan.

Before the memory decays and the facts are overwhelmed by the noise, you should order them from the "strong evidence" of the exploitation of child prostitution. To deal with them, you must demonstrate: (1) that Ruby prostituisse, (2) that Berlusconi is aware of the minority of Ruby, has made the girl "sexual acts" (3) rewarding. They say: where is the evidence? The question of allegiance is a chore. If you can read the 389 invitation to appear, the tests uncover. A string of testimonies and documents acoustic confirm the "occupation" of Ruby. She sells her body at times, when they need money or when something happens to throw the wealthy simpleton. It also happens con Berlusconi. Ruby è introdotta alla corte del Sovrano lungo i canali predisposti per accontentarne la sexual compulsivity. Emilio Fede (mente a gola piena e, in prima battuta, dice di non conoscerla, poi di non ricordarla) la scopre tredicenne a Messina. La indirizza al suo braccio destro nella "fabbrica del bunga bunga", Lele Mora. Il prosseneta la istruisce, la prepara e l'avvia al suo lavoro autentico mascherato in modo maldestro dall'impegno di cubista buono per pagare appena le spese di un paio di giorni al mese. Quando finalmente è pronta viene offerta al Drago. Ruby ha sedici anni. Un carabiniere che l'ha conosciuta in quel periodo riferisce che, è vero, prima del gennaio 2010 - dunque nel 2009 - Ruby era già stata a Villa San Martino twice. With the new year, the relationship with the president becomes more intense. From February 14 to May 2, 2010 Silvio Berlusconi and the teenagers are seen thirteen times. 14 (Sunday), 20 (Saturday), 21 (Sunday), 27 (Saturday), 28 (Sunday) in February 2010, 09 (Tuesday) in March 2010, 04 (Sunday, Easter), 2005 (Monday), 24 (Saturday), 25 (Sunday Liberation Day), 26 (Monday) in April 2010, 01 (Saturday, Labor Day), 2002 (Sunday) in May 2010. In seventy-seven days (after the stop at the police station on 27 May, will be impossible), the President claimed that the minor must sleep under the roof of Villa San Martino with a frequency of once every six days. It is a solid evidence of their attendance. We must now prove that there were "sexual acts" between the president and the girl. I wonder how trainbearer evidence a photograph, video. It is not necessary.

is guilty of aiding and abetting child prostitution "anyone engaging in sexual activities with a child aged between fourteen and eighteen, in exchange for money or other economic benefit." Sexual acts may not be, in the case of minors, sex altogether. Settled law of the Supreme Court, can be configured as "sexual act" even a "lustful palpation. That's why in a logical sequence should be addressed at the melancholy of the evening Sovereign, of those "bunga bunga" where, according to dozens of witnesses, "the girls get naked, are close to the president lying on the couch and take turns, or even in groups of two or three, do you rub and touch, an attitude also provocative and vulgar with kissing and rubbing. " The curses of the leaders of the Sovereign will not be able to erase what you see. Ruby is in the solace of the premier. At the very least - and the law should not demand more - is affected by the "rubbing" the gentleman of 76 years, his "lustful palpation. They are "sexual acts", Ruby is a minor. It is understandable why the Milan prosecutors, sources believe that he has collected sufficient evidence to ask for immediate feedback and close Earlier this sad story. It seems even a surplus to document the attempt to corrupt Berlusconi. He wants to close the mouth to the girl. It is in trouble and promises to cover it with gold. Once again he is forced to move in first person and the phone of the girl arrived in recent months more or less a hundred phone calls from the President.

In any other country that has respect for itself and its institutions, Berlusconi would have already resigned. If not, it should not be the mangy "invincibility" of the grotesque Sovereign who rules us, but a ruling class unable to take on civic responsibilities, indifferent to a shared sense of belonging and honor. This must be a nation without pride. The traces of this sad condition, can be seen in the co-protagonist of this property or absence of certain collective bodies. It is a bestiary of a thousand pictures. A minister of the Republic, Ignazio La Russa, he learns that Berlusconi has invented a "girlfriend" to exit from the corner. Rushed before the cameras of a news program to swear, without blushing, that "he knew a long time." A lawyer of great reputation in Milan, Massimo Di Noia, Ruby defend. Ruby is the victim of a sexual offense and appears quite irregular and abnormal (though not explicitly prohibited) that he has lent to interrogate his client on behalf of the suspect. And you have to exclude - Because they may not - that he has applied for investigations of Berlusconi's defense lawyer "on the news or questions raised on the answers" from Ruby to prosecutors who have questioned.

Show esprit de société the rest of the newsrooms of stagnant TG1 and TG4. Are governed not by journalists but by the Sovereign reggicoda. Augusto Minzolini rewrites every night the reality of the country ruled by the Dragon by smoothing every wrinkle, conflict, news and blinding the public. The other even spreads his newspaper's money to fall in haste from Brazil two prostitutes to accompany the prime minister. What needs to happen because the editors of the two giornali facciano sentire la loro voce, alzino la protesta per difendere il loro onore. Dove sono i sindacati di polizia? Perché non difendono quei funzionari di Milano, umiliati e vinti dall'arroganza del capo di governo. Perché tace la Chiesa? Perché è senza voce il segretario generale della Conferenza episcopale italiana, mons. Mariano Crociata. Che già ebbe modo di dire (menava scandalo l'amicizia del Sovrano con la minorenne Noemi): "Assistiamo ad un disprezzo esibito nei confronti di tutto ciò che dice pudore, sobrietà, autocontrollo e allo sfoggio di un libertinaggio gaio e irresponsabile che invera la parola lussuria. Nessuno deve pensare che in questo campo non ci sia gravità di comportamenti o che si tratti di affari private, especially when minors are involved, what the extent of which cries out vengeance before God. "There is still an Italy that has self-respect?

(January 19, 2011)


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