Saturday, January 24, 2009

La Boxing Memberships


understand with devastating clarity the meaning of certain words abused by dint of being abused, had ceased to make sense.
I'm reading: Alice Munro "The moons of Jupiter"
I'm listening to: no music.
Last movie seen at the cinema, "Easy Virtue" (which I can not say anything because I totally fell asleep even though the film to the point where I saw him, he was nice).
I would advise all the beneficial effects of magnesium.
remember the futility of anger and resentment of the harmfulness.
counsels against external absorbent chemically treated, the consumption of fruits after meals based on carbohydrates.
I would be more committed to hope and ask God to apply with greater passion. I would like my hairdresser Pollicino, those abandoned its shampoos Reeks to adopt those kerastase. I wish I had a beard for me to shave with lava stones as I have seen in the male part of my hairdresser's Thumb.
I want to go to go to parties. I would have wanted to organize a trip. I would still be able to get me back in a good mood with a pair of underpants a pearl in the balance. I wish all the dreams end up as cut off from the alarm clock and we were the first ones to argue that a pair of scissors out of place, for the crumpled Bodystockings the bottom of the couch.
I would return to hear the wishes and music. I would like to stop this time colored dog that runs away and the light invaded the afternoons.

La Boxing Memberships


understand with devastating clarity the meaning of certain words abused by dint of being abused, had ceased to make sense.
I'm reading: Alice Munro "The moons of Jupiter"
I'm listening to: no music.
Last movie seen at the cinema, "Easy Virtue" (which I can not say anything because I totally fell asleep even though the film to the point where I saw him, he was nice).
I would advise all the beneficial effects of magnesium.
remember the futility of anger and resentment of the harmfulness.
counsels against external absorbent chemically treated, the consumption of fruits after meals based on carbohydrates.
I would be more committed to hope and ask God to apply with greater passion. I would like my hairdresser Pollicino, those abandoned its shampoos Reeks to adopt those kerastase. I wish I had a beard for me to shave with lava stones as I have seen in the male part of my hairdresser's Thumb.
I want to go to go to parties. I would have wanted to organize a trip. I would still be able to get me back in a good mood with a pair of underpants a pearl in the balance. I wish all the dreams end up as cut off from the alarm clock and we were the first ones to argue that a pair of scissors out of place, for the crumpled Bodystockings the bottom of the couch.
I would return to hear the wishes and music. I would like to stop this time colored dog that runs away and the light invaded the afternoons.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Quinny Maxi Cosi Travel Systems


have my own thoughts.
I call and I can not say a word in your phone.
I hear the street noise, people, via Cola di Rienzo, the Sfregola tissue paper of its purchases in the balance.
The image with the helmet, with its Speedy hanging on the right shoulder, the new black coat that he bought when mom still had not happened at all.
I hear his voice and blonde I guess I guess every word that comes out.
is our worst nightmare coming true.
What we have feared all my life.
Feel the skin torn from his face.
feel like miles and km below sea level and not have kidney on which to push back.
Each has its own task.
Yet we are so far from each other.
I often find myself alone in the midst of a billion people and duties without being able to do as much as I wish or cry and shake the trees to the shelves of the library, the tents of cinema that is the only place where I feel good and admit once and for all and forever that I fear and fear is unlike any I've ever felt and known.
An atavistic fear, ancestral, very difficult to say because they are too human and too fleeting to the limit more than anything ever experienced.
I'm made to tremble and hide for days.
Oh well.
The most surreal moment is when I wake in the morning.
That nano second that I have not figured out who I am and what is my story of the moment.
The moment before running at the cross at the foot of the bed on his back and rearrange.
Yet I feel strong, I feel charged, refreshed by the night (despite the soaked T-shirts), I'm ready.
I travel I do, I think the seasons rotate quickly in the air, I think the film, new music coming out, I think about life.
I love her so much.
I love everything about her and I feel I have no choice. What a ride, going to continue to do everything.
I will do everything necessary.
(including some cup of whiskey and dancing).

Quinny Maxi Cosi Travel Systems


have my own thoughts.
I call and I can not say a word in your phone.
I hear the street noise, people, via Cola di Rienzo, the Sfregola tissue paper of its purchases in the balance.
The image with the helmet, with its Speedy hanging on the right shoulder, the new black coat that he bought when mom still had not happened at all.
I hear his voice and blonde I guess I guess every word that comes out.
is our worst nightmare coming true.
What we have feared all my life.
Feel the skin torn from his face.
feel like miles and km below sea level and not have kidney on which to push back.
Each has its own task.
Yet we are so far from each other.
I often find myself alone in the midst of a billion people and duties without being able to do as much as I wish or cry and shake the trees to the shelves of the library, the tents of cinema that is the only place where I feel good and admit once and for all and forever that I fear and fear is unlike any I've ever felt and known.
An atavistic fear, ancestral, very difficult to say because they are too human and too fleeting to the limit more than anything ever experienced.
I'm made to tremble and hide for days.
Oh well.
The most surreal moment is when I wake in the morning.
That nano second that I have not figured out who I am and what is my story of the moment.
The moment before running at the cross at the foot of the bed on his back and rearrange.
Yet I feel strong, I feel charged, refreshed by the night (despite the soaked T-shirts), I'm ready.
I travel I do, I think the seasons rotate quickly in the air, I think the film, new music coming out, I think about life.
I love her so much.
I love everything about her and I feel I have no choice. What a ride, going to continue to do everything.
I will do everything necessary.
(including some cup of whiskey and dancing).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Are Those Bandana Scarfs Called

From the hell of Gaza: The Nakba of 2009

of Vittorio Arrigoni

parade with fearful eyes turned up, surrendered to a sky that is raining terror and death upon them, fearful that the earth continues to tremble under each step, creating craters where once there were homes, schools, universities, markets, hospitals, burying forever their lives.
I saw convoys of Palestinians desperate to flee Jabalia, Beit Hanoun and all the refugee camps of Gaza, and to go to crowd the schools of the United Nations as earthquake victims, as victims of a tsunami every day is swallowing the Gaza Strip and its civilian population, without mercy, without any minimum compliance with human rights and the Geneva Conventions. Especially without any Western government lifting a finger to stop these massacres here to send medical personnel to stop the genocide in which Israel is staining in these hours.
continue indiscriminate attacks on hospitals and medical personnel. Yesterday after leaving the hospital, Al Auda Jabil I received a phone call from Alberto, the English company ISM, a bomb landed on the hospital. Abu Mohammed, a nurse, was seriously wounded in the head. Just a little earlier, with Abu Mohammed, a communist, over coffee listening to the heroic deeds of the leaders of the popular source, its myths: George Habash, Abu Ali Mustafa, Ahmad Al Sadat. The eyes were enlightened to know the basics of what was Palestine and its immense tragedy I had been given from my parents, convinced communist. From my mother, "Raissa" mayor of a town in northern Italy. I asked what were the Italians truly revolutionary leftist leaders of the past, and I replied Antonio Gramsci, and today, I had taken time, I would have said today. Abu Mohammed now lies in a coma at the hospital where he worked, you saved my disappointing answer. Around midnight, I received another call, this time from Eve, the building where she was in was under attack. I know well that building, the center of Gaza City, I spent a night with some friends photographers Palestinians, is home to major media who are trying to tell with pictures and words, the unnatural disaster that struck us for ten days. Reuters, Fox News, Russia Today, and dozens of other local agencies and, under fire seven missiles, from an Israeli helicopter. They managed to evacuate everyone in time before being seriously wounded, the cameramen, photographers, reporters, all Palestinians from the moment Israel does not allow international journalists to set foot in Gaza. There are no targets "strategic" around that building, it resistance that fights the deadly Israeli tanks advanced, well to the north. Clearly someone in Tel Aviv can not digest the image of the massacres of civilians that overlap with those of the colonels israliani
briefing, with refreshments offered to the journalists hired. Through these press conferences are declaring to the world that the objectives of the bombs are just terrorists of Hamas, and not those children horribly maimed every day that we pull out from the rubble. A Zetun, about ten kilometers from Jabalia, bombed a building collapsed on a family, a dozen victims, ambulances waited several hours before you can run in place, the military continues to shoot against. Shoot at ambulances, bombing hospitals. A few days ago during an open microphone connected to a known radio station in Milan, a "peace" Israel told me very clearly that this is a war where the opposing sides are using all their available weapons. Call then Israel to disengage him one of its many nuclear bombs secretly stowed against holding all the nuclear non-proliferation treaties. We throw the bomb on him finish in resolving the inhuman agony of thousands of mangled bodies in agony in the overcrowded wards of the hospitals I visited. I took some photographs in black and white yesterday, the caravans of carts pulled by mules, loaded to capacity of children waving a white cloth toward the sky, their faces pale and terrified. Concern today, those shots of fleeing refugees, I ran shivers down my spine. If they could be superimposed on the pictures that show the 1948 Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe, coincide perfectly. In the mean immobility of states and governments who call themselves Democrats, there is a new catastrophe in progress here, a new Nakba, a new ethnic cleansing that is affecting the population palestinese.Fino a few moments it had 650 deaths, 153 children killed, more of 3,000 injured, dozens missing. The counting of civilian deaths in Israel, fortunately, remains at 4. After this afternoon's budget should be dramatically updated on the Palestinian side, Israeli forces began to bomb the United Nations schools. The same who were collecting the thousands of displaced people evacuated under the threat of an imminent attack. They were driven away from the refugee camps, villages, only to collect them all in one place, a target più comodo. Sono tre le scuole bombardate oggi, l'ultima, quella di Al Fakhura, a Jabilia, è stata centrata in pieno. Più di 50 morti. In pochi istanti se ne sono andati uomini, anziani, donne, bambini che si credevano al sicuro dietro le mura dipinte in blu con i loghi dell'ONU. Le altre 20 scuole delle Nazioni Unite tremano. Non c'è via di scampo nella Striscia di Gaza, non siamo in Libano, dove i civili dei villaggi del Sud sotto le bombe israeliane evacuarono al nord, o in Siria e in Giordania. La Striscia di Gaza da enorme prigione a cielo aperto, si è tramutata in una trappola mortale. Ci si guarda sconvolti e ci si chiede se il consiglio di sicurezza dell' Onu riuscirà questa volta a pronunciare un'unanime condanna, dopo che anche le sue scuole sono prese di mira. Qualcuno fuori di qui ha deciso davvero di fare un deserto, e poi chiamarlo pace. Ci aspetta una lunga nottata sulle ambulanze, anche se l'alba da queste parti è ormai una chimera. I ripetitori dei cellulari lungo tutta la Striscia sono stati distrutti, abbiamo rinunciato a contarci. Spero di riuscire a rivedere un giorno tutti gli amici che non posso più contattare, ma non mi illudo. Qui a Gaza siamo tutti bersagli ambulanti, nessuno escluso. Mi ha appena contattato il consolato Italiano, dicono che domani evacueranno l'ultima nostra concittadina. Una anziana suorina che da ventanni anni abitava nei pressi della chiesa cattolica di Gaza,ormai adottata dai palestinesi della Striscia. I console mi ha gentilmente pregato di cogliere quest'ultima opportunità, aggregarmi alla suora e scampare da questo inferno. L'ho ringraziato per la sua offerta, da qui non mi muovo, non ce la faccio. Per i lutti che abbiamo vissuto, prima ancora di italiani, spagnoli, inglesi, australiani, in questo momento siamo tutti palestinesi. Se solo per un minuto al giorno lo fossimo tutti, come molti siamo stati ebrei durante l'olocausto, credo che tutto questo massacro ci verrebbe risparmiato.
Restiamo umani.

What Are Those Bandana Scarfs Called

From the hell of Gaza: The Nakba of 2009

of Vittorio Arrigoni

parade with fearful eyes turned up, surrendered to a sky that is raining terror and death upon them, fearful that the earth continues to tremble under each step, creating craters where once there were homes, schools, universities, markets, hospitals, burying forever their lives.
I saw convoys of Palestinians desperate to flee Jabalia, Beit Hanoun and all the refugee camps of Gaza, and to go to crowd the schools of the United Nations as earthquake victims, as victims of a tsunami every day is swallowing the Gaza Strip and its civilian population, without mercy, without any minimum compliance with human rights and the Geneva Conventions. Especially without any Western government lifting a finger to stop these massacres here to send medical personnel to stop the genocide in which Israel is staining in these hours.
continue indiscriminate attacks on hospitals and medical personnel. Yesterday after leaving the hospital, Al Auda Jabil I received a phone call from Alberto, the English company ISM, a bomb landed on the hospital. Abu Mohammed, a nurse, was seriously wounded in the head. Just a little earlier, with Abu Mohammed, a communist, over coffee listening to the heroic deeds of the leaders of the popular source, its myths: George Habash, Abu Ali Mustafa, Ahmad Al Sadat. The eyes were enlightened to know the basics of what was Palestine and its immense tragedy I had been given from my parents, convinced communist. From my mother, "Raissa" mayor of a town in northern Italy. I asked what were the Italians truly revolutionary leftist leaders of the past, and I replied Antonio Gramsci, and today, I had taken time, I would have said today. Abu Mohammed now lies in a coma at the hospital where he worked, you saved my disappointing answer. Around midnight, I received another call, this time from Eve, the building where she was in was under attack. I know well that building, the center of Gaza City, I spent a night with some friends photographers Palestinians, is home to major media who are trying to tell with pictures and words, the unnatural disaster that struck us for ten days. Reuters, Fox News, Russia Today, and dozens of other local agencies and, under fire seven missiles, from an Israeli helicopter. They managed to evacuate everyone in time before being seriously wounded, the cameramen, photographers, reporters, all Palestinians from the moment Israel does not allow international journalists to set foot in Gaza. There are no targets "strategic" around that building, it resistance that fights the deadly Israeli tanks advanced, well to the north. Clearly someone in Tel Aviv can not digest the image of the massacres of civilians that overlap with those of the colonels israliani
briefing, with refreshments offered to the journalists hired. Through these press conferences are declaring to the world that the objectives of the bombs are just terrorists of Hamas, and not those children horribly maimed every day that we pull out from the rubble. A Zetun, about ten kilometers from Jabalia, bombed a building collapsed on a family, a dozen victims, ambulances waited several hours before you can run in place, the military continues to shoot against. Shoot at ambulances, bombing hospitals. A few days ago during an open microphone connected to a known radio station in Milan, a "peace" Israel told me very clearly that this is a war where the opposing sides are using all their available weapons. Call then Israel to disengage him one of its many nuclear bombs secretly stowed against holding all the nuclear non-proliferation treaties. We throw the bomb on him finish in resolving the inhuman agony of thousands of mangled bodies in agony in the overcrowded wards of the hospitals I visited. I took some photographs in black and white yesterday, the caravans of carts pulled by mules, loaded to capacity of children waving a white cloth toward the sky, their faces pale and terrified. Concern today, those shots of fleeing refugees, I ran shivers down my spine. If they could be superimposed on the pictures that show the 1948 Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe, coincide perfectly. In the mean immobility of states and governments who call themselves Democrats, there is a new catastrophe in progress here, a new Nakba, a new ethnic cleansing that is affecting the population palestinese.Fino a few moments it had 650 deaths, 153 children killed, more of 3,000 injured, dozens missing. The counting of civilian deaths in Israel, fortunately, remains at 4. After this afternoon's budget should be dramatically updated on the Palestinian side, Israeli forces began to bomb the United Nations schools. The same who were collecting the thousands of displaced people evacuated under the threat of an imminent attack. They were driven away from the refugee camps, villages, only to collect them all in one place, a target più comodo. Sono tre le scuole bombardate oggi, l'ultima, quella di Al Fakhura, a Jabilia, è stata centrata in pieno. Più di 50 morti. In pochi istanti se ne sono andati uomini, anziani, donne, bambini che si credevano al sicuro dietro le mura dipinte in blu con i loghi dell'ONU. Le altre 20 scuole delle Nazioni Unite tremano. Non c'è via di scampo nella Striscia di Gaza, non siamo in Libano, dove i civili dei villaggi del Sud sotto le bombe israeliane evacuarono al nord, o in Siria e in Giordania. La Striscia di Gaza da enorme prigione a cielo aperto, si è tramutata in una trappola mortale. Ci si guarda sconvolti e ci si chiede se il consiglio di sicurezza dell' Onu riuscirà questa volta a pronunciare un'unanime condanna, dopo che anche le sue scuole sono prese di mira. Qualcuno fuori di qui ha deciso davvero di fare un deserto, e poi chiamarlo pace. Ci aspetta una lunga nottata sulle ambulanze, anche se l'alba da queste parti è ormai una chimera. I ripetitori dei cellulari lungo tutta la Striscia sono stati distrutti, abbiamo rinunciato a contarci. Spero di riuscire a rivedere un giorno tutti gli amici che non posso più contattare, ma non mi illudo. Qui a Gaza siamo tutti bersagli ambulanti, nessuno escluso. Mi ha appena contattato il consolato Italiano, dicono che domani evacueranno l'ultima nostra concittadina. Una anziana suorina che da ventanni anni abitava nei pressi della chiesa cattolica di Gaza,ormai adottata dai palestinesi della Striscia. I console mi ha gentilmente pregato di cogliere quest'ultima opportunità, aggregarmi alla suora e scampare da questo inferno. L'ho ringraziato per la sua offerta, da qui non mi muovo, non ce la faccio. Per i lutti che abbiamo vissuto, prima ancora di italiani, spagnoli, inglesi, australiani, in questo momento siamo tutti palestinesi. Se solo per un minuto al giorno lo fossimo tutti, come molti siamo stati ebrei durante l'olocausto, credo che tutto questo massacro ci verrebbe risparmiato.
Restiamo umani.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tight Pants Pain In Inner Thigh


I can not make the final accounts of 2008 and even Year's resolutions is to come because they are on the brink of the cliff and the future and DO NOT OWN (even I) capacity divination and even the clarity necessary to say what it was.

I can collect the most chips of the 6000 days that lasted the year just ended.

The concerts that we were (Michael Nyman, Laurie Anderson Teresa Salguero, I Baustelle, The lights of the Power Station, the Nobraino, Paolo Conte, Enrico Rava ...), we have seen the exhibitions, museums, planes as required, the receipts of the taxi, Buni meal, medical, traffic accidents, checks cashed, taxes, cash debtors, the things that I could not afford it, the fights with my mother, business meetings, the loneliness of when I write the minutes, the needle of Bilac, shiseido sunscreen, patent leather shoes Chloe, the land I have removed from under his feet, fear, be abandoned, not sleeping at night, sweating in his sleep, desperately love someone, do not despair, will stubbornly, taking things, vomiting, a headache, put silk stockings, reject contact lenses, do not take drugs, calm down with Lithium, breathe the air, novels, comic books, a thousand copies of La Repubblica, a thousand copies of vanityfair, the dwarf, drive, pay parking, swimming, sweating in taier, wipe his face with a scarf, the day cream , the biuticheis travel, uicchend of the trolley, sleeping with someone, making love with the same person, be full, be hungry, see materialize the horror, to be repeatedly crossed by little deaths, hoping to grow old, be wise; Maria hug, cry when my sister's hand, continue to do it myself.

Tight Pants Pain In Inner Thigh


I can not make the final accounts of 2008 and even Year's resolutions is to come because they are on the brink of the cliff and the future and DO NOT OWN (even I) capacity divination and even the clarity necessary to say what it was.

I can collect the most chips of the 6000 days that lasted the year just ended.

The concerts that we were (Michael Nyman, Laurie Anderson Teresa Salguero, I Baustelle, The lights of the Power Station, the Nobraino, Paolo Conte, Enrico Rava ...), we have seen the exhibitions, museums, planes as required, the receipts of the taxi, Buni meal, medical, traffic accidents, checks cashed, taxes, cash debtors, the things that I could not afford it, the fights with my mother, business meetings, the loneliness of when I write the minutes, the needle of Bilac, shiseido sunscreen, patent leather shoes Chloe, the land I have removed from under his feet, fear, be abandoned, not sleeping at night, sweating in his sleep, desperately love someone, do not despair, will stubbornly, taking things, vomiting, a headache, put silk stockings, reject contact lenses, do not take drugs, calm down with Lithium, breathe the air, novels, comic books, a thousand copies of La Repubblica, a thousand copies of vanityfair, the dwarf, drive, pay parking, swimming, sweating in taier, wipe his face with a scarf, the day cream , the biuticheis travel, uicchend of the trolley, sleeping with someone, making love with the same person, be full, be hungry, see materialize the horror, to be repeatedly crossed by little deaths, hoping to grow old, be wise; Maria hug, cry when my sister's hand, continue to do it myself.