I'll be sure to boast the fortunate circumstance that he wanted me to see, touch, smell and even Lou Reed enormous privilege to have found tickets for the performance of his wife Laurie Anderson, but much is.
Lou Reed I passed by twice. So I could see that it is sloppy, as if he had just left his room to buy a pack of cigarettes and just smells of cigarettes, alcohol, sweat and burnt rubber. He wears glasses, is shy and afraid of the people, I do not use a shampoo brand.
Laurie Anderson is a little different from my aunt Pinuccia when are you visiting on a Thursday evening that any stretch Pupo, smoking and watching television. Wide pants, shirt, red velvet fire dancers, not a haircut and a "big science" in his hands, his head.
The stage was minimal, no, essential. Dark, with her two musicians on the fringes, then the hanging lights, candles, with her violin and music stand. Above the stage a small rectangular monitor that ran on the translations of his oratory.
Now, it's not that I am educated as journalists Journal of making comparisons with the Birds of Aristophanes' Birds and Hawks and PP Pasolini, but obviously the main theme of all speakers was the memory and even then many reflections policies on the times we live in, America, the way people think, so .... unpretentious (in my opinion. Dusty says it's rather pretentious).
Laurie Anderson has a wonderful voice, perfect, precise, clean. It has a reassuring voice, universal. His lyrics were easy, but also poetic and touching and she is a woman with no time, with the experience of an old but the feelings and hopes of a girl. I saw her as a girl on stage because it has a rhythm, a rhythm very young because they know the trial is onotologicamente young, that I find it so.
electronic music and I understand my music because I was young at that time in the 90's and doing a backwards step, I went from a massive attack brian eno, by Kruder & Dorfmaister to Kraftwerk and I have known Tricky Twin AFEX before, but in him I recognized a milestone of its kind, a kind of totem or whatever the fuck in the middle of the electron waves of those nights of Black Spot of Brancaleone, parties of friends in the garage or out in the Cornucopia campaign with a group of DJs who were in my country. Before Daft Punk, before underwold, almost close to the Underworld and then I landed on the biggest and Philip Glass but I was already trained and know everything distinguish with great clarity.
I met Big Science by Brian Eno and David Byrne with Brian Eno and David Byrne with where I practice lawyer who once wrote to me on the edge of minutes, I had to listen to in the Bush of Ghosts (and then the 'I also met at the concert by Laurie Anderson, but he did not see me).
paths of musical training are funny and random. People who come and take you to his taste and you decide at a time, in one evening, if you do.
I was young, in 1993 I met a kid named Renzo. He made me from TDK with the music of Leonard Cohen and then played the guitar and once to a thing spindle when the car was the thing over, we stayed on the sidelines and he sang and played and Satellite of Love I have known so Lou Reed (but he remained careful not to say a word about Nico).
In 1998 I met a college kid named Fabio, he made me listen to a song called Nico Femme Fatale, so I was of Nico.
In 1999 a girl named Karine erasmus that only god knows why our house was asleep in a hammock between two columns of the hall, I made a tdk disc with the Transformer. I was reminded of Satellite of love and a lot of pieces is composed of my head the huge mosaic of China.
I realize that I digress, but not completely off topic because Homeland from the history of memory (a bird among birds that glide in space that does not know the earth does not know where to bury his father and then the ground as there is no buried in his neck, and so was born the first time the memory, the memory). During the concert I've thought of everything and even the journeys I have done.
Above all, I was reminded why NY Laurie Anderson brings her Homeland very much within himself and his music and even Lou Reed.
I went to NY in 2006 when I became a lawyer. I was not sad nor nor happy, I was tired. America was far away, in a week I did lots of experiences like that of being sick in a hotel room on the other face of the earth. The experience of cold and hot do not eat me fix my hair on guys and Puerto Rican. Tiffany's experience and that of leaving a man without telling him, without his knowing, as I returned from Ellis Iland because in that short ferry ride I realized many things at once and I was perfectly clear where I would not go anymore .
I was reminded Renzo (who now has a son), Fabio (who now lives abroad), Karine (who was in Paris but she wanted to live in Martina Franca), Susan (with whom I viaggiato moltissimo e che chiamo di notte), Marco (che dopo NY non ho più visto), l'avv. della pratica forense (che incontro spesso al lavoro) e tutta la musica che ho condiviso con loro. Veramente un sacco di musica. Come se la musica fosse alla stregua dell'acqua, una percentuale fondamentalmente significativa della nostra vita.
Nella mia vita del presente c'è il ragazzo con la barba che non odora più di cancelleria Stedler e ha le basette sempre meglio definite (non più merluzzi morti ai lati del viso). C'è il ragazzo con la barba con cui vado ai concerti e con cui faccio tutte le altre cose della vita, la cui presenza mi commuove dacchè conferisce un senso a Lou reed quando canta insieme a sua moglie, I'll be your mirror because that's what we also say to each other (and sometimes a threat?).
A guy who I hope will not ever diemntichi the precious (but lost) art of conversation because I very much need.
to continue to worship this in mind and not regret anything at all to what I have I deposited in the neck (my little cemetery), to continue to look at that store with the usual healthy distance, such as watching movies even if they are yours.
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