One day in the great Redwood Forest in California, Julia discovers that most of that majestic green is about to be razed. Julia, a very sensitive, he begins to sympathize with what is going to be destroyed, it falls to the ground and burst into tears.
compassion means sharing a feeling, but in this case also means giving voice to the pain of being unable to speak. Julia has shown what evidence when a tree decidono di ucciderlo e gli dicono che anche tutti i suoi amici moriranno con lui.
“Non ho un passato da attivista”, racconta la ragazza, “ma la notizia del disboscamento mi ha fatto sentire coinvolta. Subito.”
Piangere non cambia niente, così la ventitreenne dell'Arkansas passa subito all'azione. Sceglie l'albero che le piace di più, gli regala il nome “Luna” e si arrampica sul suo tronco, senza sapere che le fronde di Luna saranno la sua casa per due anni. Julia rimane lassù dal 10 Dicembre 1997 al 18 Dicembre 1999, per ben 738 giorni della sua giovane, importante vita. Cosa fa in tutto quel tempo?
Pensa, lotta e impara. Sembra incredibile, ma si può arricchire la propria knowledge is also sitting on top of a sequoia, not at all the hermits are known for their wisdom!
Every attempt to make it down to the devastation of the area, Julia grits his teeth and defends his Moon. At the end of '99 comes the agreement with Pacific Lumber / Maxxam Corporation, which saves the Moon and many acres of land around her.
A fascinating history and education, which brings with it many good intentions but, in my opinion, too many doubts.
How can a young person decide to spend two years only to a certain cause in the period in which must strive to build a foundation for its future? I do not know the answer, but this episode does, however, understand that the first step to become citizens of the world is to clarify ideas. At any age and whatever our past. To help serve both
huge demonstrations as protests and marches, and acts of courage and sacrifice similar to that of Julia Butterfly Hill, but even our small daily actions.
I also wonder if there is a way to find the balance between what we are doing for us and the time you devote to the world. I think that everyone should "only" engage in acting more and more and better, even in small daily attentions.
In Hungary, where I am from September, I was disappointed by the lack of bins for recycling. After some research, I realized that there are, but only in some places, however, not been reported. The same ecological operators I have repeatedly forced to throw plastic bottles in the pile of organic waste. Yesterday, however, I had a pleasant surprise. Coming home, in fact, I noticed two brand new bins in the lobby of my building. One blue and one yellow, paper and plastic. This is a nice step forward in Budapest, provided that the waste will not be meeting later in the landfill. Many other cities, instead, invest in the promotion of renewable energy and other environmentally friendly policies are more advanced. The Government can do something, but if no one participates in its provisions are of little use. People must behave like the city, step by step.
Who still throws trash in the trash can start from this one. The others who already divided, but the throw litter on the ground outside the home if they can learn to keep them in your pocket until they find a bucket. Best, who thinks the environment, the homeless, the elderly have been left alone, sick children and animals in danger of extinction, they must understand how they can involve others in what they are doing. Solidarity requires effort, more than writing a resume, but at the very least the same importance and offers basic and lasting rewards. What is
earn 2000 Euros a month, for example, if he can not swim to the sea because the water is too dirty?
“Il punto è che noi non solo possiamo fare la differenza, ma facciamo la differenza. Ognuno di noi ha il potere di curare o ferire, di essere un eroe o un distruttore – in ogni momento, con tutti i respiri di ogni giorno.” Julia Butterfly Hill
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