the man who loves a film by MS Tognazzi
Last night we went to the cinema to see this film by Maria Sole Tognazzi the existence of which I mentioned just a while the film due to the novel by Teresa Ciabatti.
I imagine shy and always young and brown with a white shirt, then I realize that I get lost with Sofia Coppola in hand I saw all the movies without knowing that they were his.
I do not have the directors since they are culturally a goat and shall at the cinema and literature, art in general, randomly and uncritical. I have no opinion, and usually, like a real unna, things can only say I like it I do not like without any argument.
not for nothing that one then does work ... instead of ...
However, the entire film rests on Pier Francesco Favino, one of the sexiest men, more macho, more representative of our times and Italian cinema.
He is a really cool of Madonna and is also a bewildering skill and professionalism.
I've never seen anyone cry like him, as he pissed off and pretend to live the stories of films like he does. But above all he is about to burst into tears, that's one thing that strikes me is how much Favino. With the eye that trembles from within, the face that expands as before crolllo of a dam and it is useless, the woman spectator is lost in the interpretation of him ....
However the film has a nice narrative structure in the sense that at the beginning, what you think is the beginning of the story, but it's the end but you get it at the end when the story ends.
The story of love and coexistence that is imposed on us with this feeling is a sort of nervous breakdown but also the only reason why we do the rest. Obviously it has a set of effects, effects, contraindications, and despite our sometimes makes us murderers, sometimes victims.
And while we all tend to minimize executioners saying these things happen because that's life and move forward e ci facciamo i nostri beati cazzi, mentre quando siamo vittime assaporiamo fino in fondo il luttuoso sfacelo dell'abbandono con tutta la scia di sventure che si porta dietro come un corredo funebre, come un'eredità crudele, come se non bastasse tutto il resto.
Insomma Favino stava con la Bellucci.
Non è un caso che MS Tognazzi scelga la Bellucci per questo ruolo.
Come spesso accade nella realtà, donne strafiche come la Bellucci (di cui si vede giusto una mezza tetta sotto la doccia e poi molti primi intensi e mori primi piani dove lei è truccata benissimo e ha i capelli perfettamente castani e schiacciati alle radici come i miei mai potranno essere nella vita), creative (lei organizza le mostre, è un'artista!), affettuose, intraprendenti, ansiose di offrire al compagno un futuro di condivisione, di case più luminose, di pasti regolari e soprattutto di figli e stabilità, vengano mollate da un giorno all'altro senza un motivo preciso.
L'uomo forse si stufa di tutto il benessere le la stabilità che queste donne portano con sè. L'uomo comincia a sentirsi ansioso e insonne perchè inconsciamente sa che sta per fare una enorme cazzata mollando una strada sicura per un futuro incerto e di cene a base di contorni findus. Ma pure non può fare a meno e allora, approfottando della fortunosa circosatanza che la Bellucci non riesce a rimanere incinta, la molla (The whole time I kept wondering if the house had been purchased just you or him, if they had already concluded the preliminary agreement and the related mortgage and how they would set for our obligations). A point quersto
MS Tognazzi cares Bellucci we do not know anything. We can only guess that like everyone else, has been a long period of shit, no children, abandoned by Favino and perhaps not even most new house. But she cares to Tognazzi The great perhaps satisfied that he served at a babe such a fate so cruel and exemplary film.
about her hair is just a pair of tweezers in a drawer.
Favino, to be free, once you've solved the problem of getting rid of Bellucci, once that his brother has passed a serious health problem, he goes around Turin, delighted and hipper than ever. As often happens to people in this state of grace, he comes across a beautiful red cicognona who works the front desk of a hotel. And 'love. She has six legs and feet un'accento exotic, perfectly dyed hair and walk on high heels as if life had not done anything but serve Yves Saint Laurent runway.
So the woman is really ideal for anyone.
fact do nothing but have sex all night with her and he really is fine. She carries his part that evil annoying tactic of carrots and sticks so despite good dinners, good words and all, continues to make his life, refuses to live with Favino, to know his parents and in short is that he loves so less is more power and welcomes it great. Eventually, it puts even with his former love of which seems idiotic but perhaps inevitably in love since he is married with young women and certain things like that. In some women do not spit blood if they do not feel enough love. Cicognona so it leaves Favino also said the confident man and he returns from his complicated love Favino offering the opportunity to understand what has combined when she left Bellucci.
Favino it passes a real shit time addressing all the various steps of despair.
The most interesting character in the film is Dr. Field that is the employer of Favino a woman that I'm identified with old age and despite the thinness of the same (maybe even me, inside me, are dried and older). This woman is admirable dislike, is a merciless bitch and treats everyone with huge enough. Actually, it was dumped by her husband of two years and knows a lot on the subject.
At one point he says something that is very true that when it is left is like a bereavement, they say. But in reality it is worse than a death because if the other dies do you do with a reason and it's not your fault. Suffer you're sick, but meanwhile the life you have left your comfort and is stronger and makes you go forward. But when the other leaves you (perhaps for another) well is very much different because this shit has consciously decided to drop out and you do not like you more and you do not count as a dick and do not count the promises and doing things together until then, and there is right or wrong or discussion and solution, got sick of you and is gone. He preferred solitude to the precariousness of daily life of the great break with you or worse, has found someone who considered it better than you, which now eats, broom, sleeping, ride, viaggia, costrusce il futuro dove tu non ci sei ed è come se non ci fossi mai stato. Tu passi il tempo a dirti è colpa mia, non valgo un cazzo, ho fallito. Poi, dopo questa fase cominci ad abituarti al dolore e ci convivi ed è una straziante convivenza.
Molte persone dopo questa esperienza cambiano definitivamente e diventano diverse che non è sempre un male. Non è una esperienza che fanno tutti ma secondo me chi non la fa è un po' incompleto come essere umano. Cioè non potrà mai sapere che resistenza ha, quanto è in grado di sopportare, quanto bene vuole a se stesso e che capacità di ripresa ha.
Io penso che poi questo dolore se ne va e amiamo di nuovo. Se uno è intelligent and keeps to himself, if one loves life, if one is not a lunatic, sooner or later return to love.
For example I'm back to love.
Obviously I have never forgotten nor forgiven much less but I'm happy because I discovered that the dolre makes me very intelligent and creative and when I'm fine, honestly I tend to be quite boring and ordinary.
Most boring and ordinary people is that in life everything is okay.
There's also a lot of people would pay to be ordinary and boring because not enough of that misfortune, however, make friendly, social, interesting and inevitable in the lists of party.
In the film there is also another story which is that of Charles's brother Favino. E 'Ghei, is a good one is ill and is positive, mature, intelligent and extremely constructive. It 's a character devoid of credibility, then. But the film does well and becomes very didactic way.
I liked the movie.
I never knew so much a movie (because it is a simple film).
then I wanted to discuss it with Dusty, but he like all men tend to be very minimalist in expressing his feelings (I love you so much, I'm fine with you, make out a little?) and when you formulate the questions limt nobody available to you, no, sometimes .....
's enough for me.
For the rest, you go to the cinema.