Sunday, February 13, 2011

Surgeon App Walkthrough



already Leonessa Brescia In a humble servant and now, under siege from pollution, plagued by unnecessary number plate, sad and inhumane, the council finds nothing better than to organize in the city center - along with several boxes and boxes set up for Valentine's Day - a beautiful ceremony of people, band, torches and Alpine, with coachmen and coaches (all brought to the center do not know where, with its beautiful trailers and trucks), which symbolizes the request for protection, good luck, healing, prosperity and double charges that the civil institution , the City, is the patron saints - that is the Church (just a municipal decision, given it is assumed free of charge, on a parchment then donated to the parish priest of San Faustino and Jupiter) - and that is magnanimously granted under a hat-shaped talisman handed over to representatives of city politics. All this is no accident extrication from the rotting entrails sometimes embarrassing story of a medieval tradition of civic peggior clericalismo destrorso e fascistoide, e rifondando la ridicola “confraternita dei Santi Patroni”. Nel 2011.

E così poi la stampa cittadina e l’emittente televisiva locale, pesantemente infiltrati dalla confederazione episcopale, si trovano davanti praterie in cui affondare in contropiede, tra l’altro intervistando vecchie signore che commentando commendano il buon costume di rinsaldare i legami tra stato e chiesa per arginare la corruttela dei tempi. Come si sia arrivati a questo punto non si capisce.


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