understand with devastating clarity the meaning of certain words abused by dint of being abused, had ceased to make sense.
I'm reading: Alice Munro "The moons of Jupiter"
I'm listening to: no music.
Last movie seen at the cinema, "Easy Virtue" (which I can not say anything because I totally fell asleep even though the film to the point where I saw him, he was nice).
I would advise all the beneficial effects of magnesium.
remember the futility of anger and resentment of the harmfulness.
counsels against external absorbent chemically treated, the consumption of fruits after meals based on carbohydrates.
I would be more committed to hope and ask God to apply with greater passion. I would like my hairdresser Pollicino, those abandoned its shampoos Reeks to adopt those kerastase. I wish I had a beard for me to shave with lava stones as I have seen in the male part of my hairdresser's Thumb.
I want to go to go to parties. I would have wanted to organize a trip. I would still be able to get me back in a good mood with a pair of underpants a pearl in the balance. I wish all the dreams end up as cut off from the alarm clock and we were the first ones to argue that a pair of scissors out of place, for the crumpled Bodystockings the bottom of the couch.
I would return to hear the wishes and music. I would like to stop this time colored dog that runs away and the light invaded the afternoons.
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