Articolo di Sergio zanoletti
Tutti sono eguali dinanzi alla legge e hanno diritto, senza alcuna discriminazione, ad una eguale tutela da parte della legge. Tutti hanno diritto ad una eguale tutela contro ogni discriminazione che violi la presente Dichiarazione come contro qualsiasi incitamento a tale discriminazione.
(Art 7 – Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani)
La notizia è nota: a nome dell’Unione Europea, la Francia ha presentato alle Nazioni Unite una proposta per promuovere una campagna mondiale per la depenalizzazione dell’omosessualità.
Iniziativa pregevole e necessaria se si pensa che nel mondo ci sono più di 80 stati nei quali l’omosessualità è ancora considerata un reato, punito con una multa, con il carcere, con i lavori forzati e addirittura con la pena di morte.
Tutto ciò nonostante, in teoria, gli omosessuali siano “protetti” dai trattati internazionali sui diritti umani, quali la Carta Internazionale dei Diritti Umani, il Patto Internazionale su Diritti Civili e Politici e il Patto Internazionale sui Diritti Economici, Sociali e Culturali, che mirano a garantire ad ogni persona gli stessi diritti indipendentemente dalle loro scelte politiche, religiose e sessuali.
Per meglio capire ciò di cui sto parlando, ecco un elenco, probabilmente parziale, degli stati in cui l’omosessualità è, a vario titolo, perseguita:
Afganistan (Asia)La pena di morte è in the process of change after the end of Taliban power
Algeria (Africa) Art. 338 provides up to 3 years imprisonment and a fine
Saudi Arabia (Asia) Homosexuality is punished with the death penalty.
Bahrain (Asia) has recently been turned to Islamic law, but the art. 337 provides for the deportation and up to 10 years in prison.
Bangladesh (Asia) Art. 377 of the Criminal Code provides for life imprisonment.
Benin (Africa) cp art. 88 1 to 3 years imprisonment and a fine
Brunei (Indonesia) cp Articles. 292 ... and 377 up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine
Chechnya (Asia) Homosexuality is punishable by death.
Djibouti - Djibouti (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal and punishable prison.
Egypt (Africa) There is a genuine article against homosexuality, but gay people are condemned because legally offensive to public morals with sentences of 1 to 5 years and submit to forced labor. In May 2002, President Mubarak ordered a retrial for 50 of the 52 men prosecuted in 2001 because of their alleged homosexuality. In March 2003 the court sentenced him to three years in prison and 21 of the defendants has released 29 more. The sentences imposed on the other two defendants in the original trial have been confirmed: Sheriff Farahat was sentenced to five years in prison and Mahmoud Ahmed Allam in three years imprisonment. During 2002, were acquitted on appeal nine men convicted in the first degree in three years' imprisonment for "habitual debauchery." The men said they were tortured and mistreated while in detention.
United Arab Emirates (Asia) Art. 354 of the Criminal Code provides for the federal death penalty. Article. 80 of the Code of Abu Zhaba provides for imprisonment of up to 14 years, while the Dubai Criminal Code provides for imprisonment up to 10 years (Article 177 of Criminal Code).
Gambia (Equatorial Africa) cp art. 144 imprisonment of up to 14 years
Djibouti (Central Africa) of imprisonment length to be determined
Jordan (Asia) Homosexual acts are strictly prohibited and the penalty is in prison.
Guinea (Equatorial Africa) cp art. 325 imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years and a fine
Iran (Asia) For males, death. For minors, 74 flogged, for females, 100 flogged. Articles 108 to 113 cod. penalty.
Kenya (Africa) Articles 162 and 165 of the Criminal Code condemns homosexuality as a crime against nature with imprisonment from 5 to 14 years ..
Kuwait (AsiaL'art. 193 of the Criminal Code provides for imprisonment up to 7 years.
Libya (Africa) According to art. 407 of the Penal Code is expected to be 3 to 5 years imprisonment.
Malaysia (Asia) Article 377 of the Criminal Code: the sentence can have up to 20 years in prison and a fine money.
Maldives (Asia - Indian Ocean Islands) cp art. 377
Morocco (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal in Morocco, where the penalty provided for in Article 489 of the Criminal Code stipulates a prison sentence from six months to three years plus a fine.
Mauritania (Africa) Since the introduction of sharia, the penalty is death.
Nigeria (Africa) Death sentence (the condemned man is crushed by a wall from him spintagli Executioner).
Oman (Asia) According to art. 33 of the Criminal Code, the homosexual act is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to a year.
Pakistan (Asia) cp art. Imprisonment 377 up to 2 years and 100 lashes or death by stoning
Qatar (Asia) Art. 201 of the Criminal Code provides for up to five years in prison.
Senegal (Africa) Art. 319 of the Criminal Code provides for imprisonment from 1 to 5 years and a fine.
Somalia (Africa) Art 409 of the Penal Code: imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years.
Syria (Asia) E 'provided the prison, according to Article. 520 of the Penal Code, up to 3 years.
Sudan (Africa) According to art. 316 of the Penal Code, the penalty ranges from 100 flogged to death.
Tajikistan (Asia) Homosexuality is illegal, Art. 125.1 (formerly 121 USSR).
Tunisia (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal but tolerated. Article. 330 of the Criminal Code provides for up to three years in prison.
Turkey (Asia) In Turkey, homosexuality is officially illegal but police periodically breaks into the homes of gay and lesbian running arrests.
Uzbekistan (Asia) Art. 120 of the Criminal Code of the Criminal Code of 1995 provides for imprisonment up to three years.
Yemen (Asia) Death penalty is applied in the Sharia.
EUROPE Romania (rel. Orthodox 87% Roman Catholic 6%) In Romania, homosexual relations between adults were punished by imprisonment from one to five years' imprisonment (art. 200 par. 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code). The entry of Romania in the Council d'Europa, nell'ottobre 1993, è stato subordinato alla modifica di alcune norme di legge come l'art. 200 par. 1 e 2. Dopo tre anni il parlamento rumeno, ignorando i numerosi appelli dei paesi europei e di Amnesty International, ha approvato un nuovo art. 200 in cui dichiara l'omosessualità un "pubblico scandalo" e istituisce il reato di favoreggiamento ed istigazione all’omosessualità, anch’essi punibili con pene detentive da 1 a 5 anni. Doru Marian Beldie, di 19 anni, è stato arrestato a Bucharest il 16 giugno 1992 ed accusato di aver avuto rapporti omosessuali con un minore. Beldie è stato colpito alle mani e ai piedi per diverse ore; la polizia tentava di costringerlo a firmare una confessione. In seguito è stato condannato to 4 ½ years in prison. In detention he suffered repeated violence from other prisoners. Marcel Brosch, 20 years old Romanian student, was arrested in March 1992 in Tecuci while sleeping in a train station waiting to go home. Four policemen and a 17 year old boy approached him, woke up and accused of sexual assault on a minor. After having beaten with batons arrested him, was sentenced to five years in prison. In Romania, between 1993 and 1995, at least 11 people were arrested on charges of being homosexual. Amnesty International has documented 57 cases of people imprisoned under Article. 200 par. 1 and 2: They include Milorad and his companion were released in response to pressure from Amnesty International with huge problems of rehabilitation because the police had posted their pictures and their history. No one was more willing to offer them a job and Milorad, in despair, committed suicide in 1995 while his partner was granted political asylum.
ASIA Bhutan (rel. Buddhist 75% Hindu 25%) The penalty varies depending on the situation and go up to imprisonment for life
Myanmar - Burma (Buddhist rel. 90%) of the Criminal Code art. 33 imprisonment up to one year
China (rel. traditional Buddhist 20% Christian 6% 9% 64% atheist) cp art. 106 up to 5 years imprisonment, although it is not exactly an anti-homosexuality article
India (rel. 12% Hindu 82% Muslim) cp art. 377 to life imprisonment
Nepal (rel. 87% Hindu) cp art. 377
Singapore (rel. 15% Buddhist 54% Muslim) cp art. 377 to life imprisonment
Sri Lanka (rel. Buddhist 69% Hindu 15% Muslim 8%) cp art. 365 to imprisonment of up to 10 years
Botswana (55% cristiana32 traditional rel.%) cp art. 164 ... imprisonment for a term of not less than 7 years
Burundi (rel. Catholic 65% 19% atheist) Homosexuality is punished as "immoral"
Cameroon (rel Catholic 35% Muslim 22%) of the Criminal Code art. 347 imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years più un'ammenda
Capo Verde (rel. cattolica)c.p. art. 390... reclusione per rapporti "contro natura" e "contro la decenza pubblica e personale"
Etiopia (rel. ortodossa 50% musulmana 33%)c.p. art. 600 reclusione da 10 giorni fino a 3 anni
Ghana (rel. cristiana 58% musulmana 16%)c.p. art. 105 reclusione da stabilirsi, ma ci sono testimonianze di torture
Kenia (Africa Equatoriale - rel. tradizionale 31% cristiani 29%)c.p. art. 162 ... reclusione da 5 fino a 14 anni
Liberia (Africa Equatoriale - rel. cristiana 68% tradizionale 18% musulmana 14%)c.p. art. 14.74 reclusione di un periodo da determinate in base alla volontarietà o all'involontarietà
Malawi (Equatorial Africa - rel. Traditional Protestant 20% 10% 20% Muslim) cp art. 153 ... imprisonment; the Western citizen is removed and considered "junk"
Mauritius (Indian Ocean Equatorial Africa - rel. 51% Catholic 27% Hindu 16% Muslim) cp art. 250 up to 5 years imprisonment
Mozambique (South Africa - rel. Traditional 47% 28% Catholic 12% Muslim) cp art. 70 imprisonment for up to 3 years
Namibia (South Africa - rel. Protestant 52% Catholic 17%) Homosexuality is not tolerated, but there are laws that punish
Tanzania (South Africa - rel. Christian 44 % Muslim 37%) of the Criminal Code art. 154 ... imprisonment up to 14 years
Togo (Equatorial Africa - rel. Traditional 50% 15% Catholic 23% Muslim) cp art. imprisonment up to three years
Uganda (Equatorial Africa - rel. Anglican Catholic 45% 39% 11% Muslim) cp art. 140 ... imprisonment, even for life in March 2002, President Museveni, in a speech at a meeting of Commonwealth heads of government in Australia, said that the good results in the fight against AIDS in Uganda were obtained in the country because there are homosexuals. On 30 August the same year, the Minister of Ethics and Integrity has ordered the police to arrest and condemn homosexuals. Throughout the year, agents of the security forces continued to subject harassing members of the gay community, and several people were arrested on grounds of their sexual orientation.
Zambia (Southern Africa - rel. Traditional 27% Protestant 23% Catholic 17%) Charter 87 and 15 to 14 years imprisonment
Zimbabwe (South Africa - rel. Traditional 40% Protestant 34% Catholic 7%) cp art. imprisonment up to three years
Cook, NZ protectorate (rel. 58% Catholic 17% Protestant) cp art. 155 eclusione up to 7 years, but is usually associated with art. 104 (5 years imprisonment)
Fiji (rel. Christian 52% Hindu 38%) cp art.175 imprisonment up to 14 years
Kiribati (rel.cattolica 35% Protestant 38%) cp art. 153 reclusione fino a 14 anni
Marshall (rel. protestante 62% cattolica 8%)Tit. 31.1.XXV.53 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Niue (protettorato NZ - rel. protestante 64% cattolica 4%)c.p. art. 170 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Papua Nuova Guinea (rel. protestante 60% cattolica 28%)c.p. art. il rapporto anale è punito con la reclusione fino a 14 anni
Samoa Ovest (rel. protestante 63% cattolica 21%)c.p. art. 58 reclusione fino a 5 anni
Salomone (rel. protestante 42% anglicana 34%c.p. art. 153 reclusione fino a 14 anni
Tokelau, protettorato NZ (rel. protestante 67% cattolica 30%)c.p. art. 170 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Tonga (rel. protestante 43% Catholic 16%) cp art. 136 imprisonment of up to 10 years
Tuvalu (rel. 86% Protestant) cp art. 153 imprisonment of up to 14 years
AMERICAS Brazil (South America - rel. Catholic 74% Protestant 15%) Homosexuality is not illegal but homophobia and violence are very common. In 1993 Renildo José dos Santos, a bisexual who has publicly declared their sexual orientation, was kidnapped by a death squad in front of the family and the neighborhood, have been recognized as belonging to the police among the kidnappers. His headless body (bearing signs of torture) was found two days later in a landfill. Usually those who are engaged in defending the rights of homosexuals is targeted by the police after the murder of José dos Santos Renildo the only journalist Reinaldo Cabral, who had the courage to Palare murder and police violence, threats received by telephone, April 3, 1994 two armed men entered his house and threatened with a gun and setting fire to their car. On 13 June 1994, two directors of the Brazilian Workers' Party, the lawyer. And the poet Reinaldo Miranda Guedes Da Silva Almeida Filho Hermogenes, who were committed to defending the rights of homosexuals and African-Americans, were killed with a firearm by a gunman tied up - it seems - to the police.
Colombia (South America - rel. Catholic 92%) not There are no laws against homosexuality, but it will also violently persecuted by groups and paramilitary organizations. Numerous death squads kill homosexuals, the homeless, the unemployed and minorities in general, implementing a project of social cleansing. The victims were slaughtered in the streets or abducted and taken somewhere to be later found dead with signs of torture. In most cases the killers remain unpunished.
Costa Rica (Central America - rel. Catholic 86%) In Costa Rica, in 1993, at least seven transvestites have been arbitrarily arrested and detained for several hours by police that they had humiliated and forced to submit to various sexual services.
Cuba (Rel. Catholic 39% Protestant 3% Other 58%) of the Criminal Code art. 303 up to 3 years imprisonment for the public manifestation of homosexuality.
Ecuador (Central America - rel. Catholic 93%), Ecuador is among the few countries in the world to include in its constitution an article against discrimination based on sexual orientation (other countries are Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland). Nevertheless, Latin American country in the discrimination and harassment on grounds of sexual orientation are very frequent. Torture continues to be used to humiliate and punish prisoners LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). In April 2003, two teenage transsexuals are stati "venduti per sesso" dalle guardie ad altri prigionieri del centro di detenzione provvisoria di Guayaquil.
Giamaica (America Centrale - rel. protestante 39% cattolica 10%)c.p. art. 76 ... reclusione e lavori forzati fino a 10 anni Dalla Giamaica pervengono ripetute segnalazioni di violenze nei confronti di omosessuali commesse sia dalla polizia sia da semplici cittadini. Nel gennaio 2002 il governo ha rifiutato di abrogare la legislazione che considera illegali i rapporti sessuali in privato tra uomini adulti consenzienti. A ottobre il Regno Unito ha concesso lo status di rifugiato a un omosessuale con la motivazione secondo cui l'omofobia è così grave in Giamaica da costituire una seria minaccia per la sicurezza personale.Grenada (America Centrale - Rel. Catholic 53% Anglican 14%) cp art. 377 but homosexuality is prohibited and there is no news on penis
Guyana (South America - rel. Hindu 34% Christian 30%) cp art. 351 up to 2 years imprisonment
Mexico (Central America - rel. Catholic 88% Protestant 5%) Homosexuality is not pursued, but more often with group initiatives parapolitici or equipment that are not pursued. Between 1991 and 1994 12 gays have been killed in the state of Chiapas. One of them, Neftali Ramirez Ruiz, was the vice-chairman of the Tuxtla Gutìevrez gays and transvestites. Ramirez has certainly been achieved by a shot fired by a police officer but the investigation into his death was covered up per nascondere le torture e gli abusi subiti dai membri di questo gruppo.
Nicaragua (America Centrale - rel. cattolica 73% protestante 17%)c.p. art. 205 reclusione fino a 3 anni
Puerto Rico (U.S.A - rel cattolica 65% protestante 28%)c.p. art. 103 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Trinidad e Tobago (Centramerica - rel cattolica 30% protestante 29% induista 24%)sess. 13 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Turks e Caicos - Regno Unito (America del Nord - rel. protestante)c.p. art. 41 reclusione anche a vita, a discrezione del giudice
U.S.A.Negli Stati Uniti una sentenza della Corte Suprema del 26 giugno 2003 ha reso incostituzionali le leggi contro la sodomia che erano ancora in vigore in diversi Stati dell'Unione. La sentenza fu emessa alla conclusione del ricorso presentato dal cittadino Lawrence contro lo Stato del Messico. Lawrence e il suo compagno erano stati arrestati e privati dei diritti civili in quanto sorpresi a consumare un rapporto sessuale nella propria abitazione. Riportiamo comunque la situazione legislativa negli Stati Uniti in vigore fino al 26 giugno 2003(vedi mappa a fianco)Ci sono 10 Stati che hanno leggi contro la sodomia che valgono sia per gli eterosessuali che per gli omosessuali:Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia Ci sono poi 4 Stati con leggi contro la sodomia valide solo per gli omosessuali: Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, TexasPer completare l'informazione List some other states with the year they were abolished laws against sodomy: Illinois (1962) Connecticut (1971) Colorado (1972) Oregon (1972) Delaware (1973) Hawaii (1973) Ohio (1974) North Dakota (1975) New Hampshire (1975) New Mexico (1975) California (1976) Maine (1976) Washington (1976) West Virginia (1976) Indiana (1977) South Dakota (1977) Vermont (1977) Wyoming (1977) Nebraska (1978 ) Iowa (1978) New Jersey (1979) Alaska (1980) Wisconsin (1983) Nevada (1993) District of Columbia (1993) Rhode Island (1998) Arizona (2001)
As you can see it is not theoretical question concerning generic as despicable homophobic attitudes. This is a huge number of states that have transposed into their national legal specific laws against homosexuality, and punishing with severe penalties in seven states with the death!
surprising then that the Vatican has deployed against the request for decriminalization of homosexuality and even more surprised by the reasons with which it was based on that position, expressed in an interview by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Observer of the Vatican at the UN ( The Vatican is in fact one of two states that did not join the United Nations)
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church, he says, not today, not against homosexual persons is should avoid any sign of unjust discrimination. But here, the question is `other. With a declared value policy, endorsed by a group of countries calling on States and international mechanisms for implementation and monitoring of human rights to add new categories protected from discrimination, without considering that, if adopted, they will create new and relentless discrimination . For example, states that do not recognize the union between same-sex "marriage" will be pilloried and made under pressure. "
not a little risky this statement? This says that groped to prevent a state to detain and kill the men guilty of loving same-sex would be going to the discrimination of those states that do not recognize same-sex unions. As if the two could be put on the same floor, first of all! And then what is the logical step? How to jail in preventing a gay discriminate against countries that do not allow gay marriage?
would be like saying that, for example, in the stand against the persecution of priests in some nations, it would trigger the mechanisms of discrimination against states which apply the principle of separation of church and state.
I think that faced with similar arguments as justification for disengagement in the fight against religious persecution, the Vatican would respond with strength and the highest level.
This position simply can not stand: logic but also lacks common sense, because it is intuitive to think that they are still in the position of having to fight to prevent it from being imprisoned or killed those who are not sexually standardized, it would be counterproductive to raise at least the level of requests to the recognition of equal rights between heterosexual and homosexual copies, because in this way, they feed fears homophobic, even in those sectors of public opinion that could recognize, but with difficulty, the injustice of criminalization of sexual choices ...
clarified this aspect can not be to renounce Better to point out that Monignor, in practice, said that is not appropriate to take action against sex discrimination because it could create a discrimination against those states that apply to discrimination on the basis of sexual behavior and choices!
E 'worth remembering that homosexuality is not only linked to sexuality.
And 'in fact a condition that directly affects the emotional sphere, although, from a scientific perspective, it has not yet reached its clear and unambiguous definition.
The scientific world recognizes, however, that one of the reasons that have so far prevented an exact definition of scientific Homosexuality lies in the lack of a minimum set of data that realizes the consent of the majority of researchers, and this is due to the injury, in some way influenced the research method and approach that seeks to to explain the existence of homosexuality, regardless of the question on the origins of heterosexuality, as is well explained on Wikipedia:
"too much of this research posits heterosexuality as a given fact that there is in and of itself , which needs no explanation, not an evolution, not a diachronic history but it is a given fixed, eternal, equal to sé stesso da tutti i secoli e nella vita di ogni singolo individuo. Il che equivale, dal punto di vista metodologico, a voler spiegare cosa sia il ghiaccio rifiutando di sapere cosa siano l'acqua o il vapore: un approccio scientifico che postulasse, a priori, che acqua e ghiaccio sono realtà diverse, non studiabili contemporaneamente, non otterrebbe in effetti "spiegazioni" più di quante ne abbia ottenute la ricerca sulle cause dell'omosessualità”
In ogni caso gli studi scientifici sono riusciti perlomeno ad escludere che l’omosessualità sia una malattia o un disturbo psichiatrico, come è stato definitivamente riconosciuto sia Dall’ American Psychiatric Association (APA) nel That by 1987 'World Health Organization in 1990, with the decision became official with the promulgation of the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in 1994.
Finally the official position of the scientific world, both in the U.S. , and in other Western countries, including Italy, is that homosexuality is "a variant of human sexual behavior."
E 'then a state, a human condition that affects not only sexual behavior but also on affective.
It goes without saying then that does not recognize homosexual unions rights and protections similar to those granted to heterosexual marriages is a form of discrimination that severely restricts the individual rights of the person, establishing the legal differences that range from over-protection of the traditional family to the total lack of interest, when there is no explicit repression, with regard to the homosexual. With serious repercussions for the individual rights in the field of inheritance law, for example, pension, and in general can be represented in case of need from the person you love and with whom it was decided to divide his life.
Once recognized homosexuality as a variant of sexual behavior, and then as a condition of "innate", restrict the rights of homosexuals has the same value that restrict the rights of a person because he was born with blond hair in a company of Moors or vice versa!
course, the Church's position on the part of other conditions.
The thought of a religious nature in general does not recognize the issue of "causes" of homosexuality, if not as a moral issue.
religious thought, unless some distinctions, for example, in the Anglican church does not recognize homosexuality as a condition somehow "innate". Neglects her emotional side that is independent of sex or rather induces homosexual behavior as is the case with heterosexual behavior.
ignoring the scientific data on religious thought postula l’esistenza di una natura umana univoca e quindi ritiene che chi abbia comportamenti contrari a quelli stabiliti dalla natura, lo faccia per vizio o per scelta morale “contro natura”,
Da qui l’atteggiamento di molte chiese cristiane, convinte del fatto che con la volontà e la preghiera sia possibile "guarire" dall'omosessualità (una convinzione espressa in associazioni che sono la loro emanazione, come Exodus International , Courage , e Living Waters , quest'ultima operante anche in Italia),
A parte il fatto che questa posizione cozza in modo lampante con la constatazione che l’omosessualità non è una condizione esclusiva della razza human, but is fairly widespread in all animal species for which I think is not possible to attribute the ability of moral or ideological choices, I also recognize the church the right to express positions unscientific, denouncing it as a sin for others is not only legitimate but ethically necessary.
(for example, I order that the church use of condoms, although they are the only effective means to prevent sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS.)
said that, let also to religion, the churches and their Perhaps the faithful of the rules of social behavior consistent with their doctrines.
Let the Church continue to think that homosexuality is curable by prayer and abstinence, while not giving up, however, the right to criticize these positions, highlighting its contradictions and sometimes absurdities, such as the video of Severus and Ornella De Tommasi Zordo (heal you must: Church and Homosexuality) censored by You Tube but transmitted by Arcoiris TV ( )
Let the Church lpropagandi his positions, even when these positions hinder the solution of serious problems such as AIDS, but rifiutiamoci to passively accept the claim that these positions are fair because only expressed by a religion and a Church whatever it is.
Rifiutiamoci to passively accept that individual choice will not harm others, can pass from the sphere of ethics and morality to that of criminal law, law enforcement and social discrimination!
and denounce the hypocrisy and bad faith when they are as evident as in the case of the statement of Archbishop Celestino Migliore, which on the one hand recognizes that homosexuals are subjected to unfair discrimination, forgetting, however, that such discrimination also stem from the positions of almost all faiths who insist on considering homosexuality a vice, a deviation from the common morality that must be fought even accepting, as a lesser evil, which a gay man can be jailed and killed, while not running the risk of recognizing those rights that only the ideological intolerance can get to deny.
Homosexuals are a minority discriminated against because the dominant system is not uniform and nonuniform because their diversity is born of a choice but a condition.
Despite the efforts will not be possible to eliminate this "problem", if not eliminating homosexuals. But this physical removal, although not systematic can have no end, because the homosexual is the result of heterosexual union. And 'one of the options of nature. It must, sooner or later, take note ...
Although this may not appeal, even if it disturbs the so-called normal, let's not forget that by accepting the logic of repression of diversity, there will always be someone more equal than others who will have the opportunity to lash out at each new variety, whatever it is.
First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic. (Art 7 – Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani)
La notizia è nota: a nome dell’Unione Europea, la Francia ha presentato alle Nazioni Unite una proposta per promuovere una campagna mondiale per la depenalizzazione dell’omosessualità.
Iniziativa pregevole e necessaria se si pensa che nel mondo ci sono più di 80 stati nei quali l’omosessualità è ancora considerata un reato, punito con una multa, con il carcere, con i lavori forzati e addirittura con la pena di morte.
Tutto ciò nonostante, in teoria, gli omosessuali siano “protetti” dai trattati internazionali sui diritti umani, quali la Carta Internazionale dei Diritti Umani, il Patto Internazionale su Diritti Civili e Politici e il Patto Internazionale sui Diritti Economici, Sociali e Culturali, che mirano a garantire ad ogni persona gli stessi diritti indipendentemente dalle loro scelte politiche, religiose e sessuali.
Per meglio capire ciò di cui sto parlando, ecco un elenco, probabilmente parziale, degli stati in cui l’omosessualità è, a vario titolo, perseguita:
Afganistan (Asia)La pena di morte è in the process of change after the end of Taliban power
Algeria (Africa) Art. 338 provides up to 3 years imprisonment and a fine
Saudi Arabia (Asia) Homosexuality is punished with the death penalty.
Bahrain (Asia) has recently been turned to Islamic law, but the art. 337 provides for the deportation and up to 10 years in prison.
Bangladesh (Asia) Art. 377 of the Criminal Code provides for life imprisonment.
Benin (Africa) cp art. 88 1 to 3 years imprisonment and a fine
Brunei (Indonesia) cp Articles. 292 ... and 377 up to 10 years imprisonment and a fine
Chechnya (Asia) Homosexuality is punishable by death.
Djibouti - Djibouti (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal and punishable prison.
Egypt (Africa) There is a genuine article against homosexuality, but gay people are condemned because legally offensive to public morals with sentences of 1 to 5 years and submit to forced labor. In May 2002, President Mubarak ordered a retrial for 50 of the 52 men prosecuted in 2001 because of their alleged homosexuality. In March 2003 the court sentenced him to three years in prison and 21 of the defendants has released 29 more. The sentences imposed on the other two defendants in the original trial have been confirmed: Sheriff Farahat was sentenced to five years in prison and Mahmoud Ahmed Allam in three years imprisonment. During 2002, were acquitted on appeal nine men convicted in the first degree in three years' imprisonment for "habitual debauchery." The men said they were tortured and mistreated while in detention.
United Arab Emirates (Asia) Art. 354 of the Criminal Code provides for the federal death penalty. Article. 80 of the Code of Abu Zhaba provides for imprisonment of up to 14 years, while the Dubai Criminal Code provides for imprisonment up to 10 years (Article 177 of Criminal Code).
Gambia (Equatorial Africa) cp art. 144 imprisonment of up to 14 years
Djibouti (Central Africa) of imprisonment length to be determined
Jordan (Asia) Homosexual acts are strictly prohibited and the penalty is in prison.
Guinea (Equatorial Africa) cp art. 325 imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years and a fine
Iran (Asia) For males, death. For minors, 74 flogged, for females, 100 flogged. Articles 108 to 113 cod. penalty.
Kenya (Africa) Articles 162 and 165 of the Criminal Code condemns homosexuality as a crime against nature with imprisonment from 5 to 14 years ..
Kuwait (AsiaL'art. 193 of the Criminal Code provides for imprisonment up to 7 years.
Libya (Africa) According to art. 407 of the Penal Code is expected to be 3 to 5 years imprisonment.
Malaysia (Asia) Article 377 of the Criminal Code: the sentence can have up to 20 years in prison and a fine money.
Maldives (Asia - Indian Ocean Islands) cp art. 377
Morocco (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal in Morocco, where the penalty provided for in Article 489 of the Criminal Code stipulates a prison sentence from six months to three years plus a fine.
Mauritania (Africa) Since the introduction of sharia, the penalty is death.
Nigeria (Africa) Death sentence (the condemned man is crushed by a wall from him spintagli Executioner).
Oman (Asia) According to art. 33 of the Criminal Code, the homosexual act is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to a year.
Pakistan (Asia) cp art. Imprisonment 377 up to 2 years and 100 lashes or death by stoning
Qatar (Asia) Art. 201 of the Criminal Code provides for up to five years in prison.
Senegal (Africa) Art. 319 of the Criminal Code provides for imprisonment from 1 to 5 years and a fine.
Somalia (Africa) Art 409 of the Penal Code: imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years.
Syria (Asia) E 'provided the prison, according to Article. 520 of the Penal Code, up to 3 years.
Sudan (Africa) According to art. 316 of the Penal Code, the penalty ranges from 100 flogged to death.
Tajikistan (Asia) Homosexuality is illegal, Art. 125.1 (formerly 121 USSR).
Tunisia (Africa) Homosexuality is illegal but tolerated. Article. 330 of the Criminal Code provides for up to three years in prison.
Turkey (Asia) In Turkey, homosexuality is officially illegal but police periodically breaks into the homes of gay and lesbian running arrests.
Uzbekistan (Asia) Art. 120 of the Criminal Code of the Criminal Code of 1995 provides for imprisonment up to three years.
Yemen (Asia) Death penalty is applied in the Sharia.
EUROPE Romania (rel. Orthodox 87% Roman Catholic 6%) In Romania, homosexual relations between adults were punished by imprisonment from one to five years' imprisonment (art. 200 par. 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code). The entry of Romania in the Council d'Europa, nell'ottobre 1993, è stato subordinato alla modifica di alcune norme di legge come l'art. 200 par. 1 e 2. Dopo tre anni il parlamento rumeno, ignorando i numerosi appelli dei paesi europei e di Amnesty International, ha approvato un nuovo art. 200 in cui dichiara l'omosessualità un "pubblico scandalo" e istituisce il reato di favoreggiamento ed istigazione all’omosessualità, anch’essi punibili con pene detentive da 1 a 5 anni. Doru Marian Beldie, di 19 anni, è stato arrestato a Bucharest il 16 giugno 1992 ed accusato di aver avuto rapporti omosessuali con un minore. Beldie è stato colpito alle mani e ai piedi per diverse ore; la polizia tentava di costringerlo a firmare una confessione. In seguito è stato condannato to 4 ½ years in prison. In detention he suffered repeated violence from other prisoners. Marcel Brosch, 20 years old Romanian student, was arrested in March 1992 in Tecuci while sleeping in a train station waiting to go home. Four policemen and a 17 year old boy approached him, woke up and accused of sexual assault on a minor. After having beaten with batons arrested him, was sentenced to five years in prison. In Romania, between 1993 and 1995, at least 11 people were arrested on charges of being homosexual. Amnesty International has documented 57 cases of people imprisoned under Article. 200 par. 1 and 2: They include Milorad and his companion were released in response to pressure from Amnesty International with huge problems of rehabilitation because the police had posted their pictures and their history. No one was more willing to offer them a job and Milorad, in despair, committed suicide in 1995 while his partner was granted political asylum.
ASIA Bhutan (rel. Buddhist 75% Hindu 25%) The penalty varies depending on the situation and go up to imprisonment for life
Myanmar - Burma (Buddhist rel. 90%) of the Criminal Code art. 33 imprisonment up to one year
China (rel. traditional Buddhist 20% Christian 6% 9% 64% atheist) cp art. 106 up to 5 years imprisonment, although it is not exactly an anti-homosexuality article
India (rel. 12% Hindu 82% Muslim) cp art. 377 to life imprisonment
Nepal (rel. 87% Hindu) cp art. 377
Singapore (rel. 15% Buddhist 54% Muslim) cp art. 377 to life imprisonment
Sri Lanka (rel. Buddhist 69% Hindu 15% Muslim 8%) cp art. 365 to imprisonment of up to 10 years
Botswana (55% cristiana32 traditional rel.%) cp art. 164 ... imprisonment for a term of not less than 7 years
Burundi (rel. Catholic 65% 19% atheist) Homosexuality is punished as "immoral"
Cameroon (rel Catholic 35% Muslim 22%) of the Criminal Code art. 347 imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years più un'ammenda
Capo Verde (rel. cattolica)c.p. art. 390... reclusione per rapporti "contro natura" e "contro la decenza pubblica e personale"
Etiopia (rel. ortodossa 50% musulmana 33%)c.p. art. 600 reclusione da 10 giorni fino a 3 anni
Ghana (rel. cristiana 58% musulmana 16%)c.p. art. 105 reclusione da stabilirsi, ma ci sono testimonianze di torture
Kenia (Africa Equatoriale - rel. tradizionale 31% cristiani 29%)c.p. art. 162 ... reclusione da 5 fino a 14 anni
Liberia (Africa Equatoriale - rel. cristiana 68% tradizionale 18% musulmana 14%)c.p. art. 14.74 reclusione di un periodo da determinate in base alla volontarietà o all'involontarietà
Malawi (Equatorial Africa - rel. Traditional Protestant 20% 10% 20% Muslim) cp art. 153 ... imprisonment; the Western citizen is removed and considered "junk"
Mauritius (Indian Ocean Equatorial Africa - rel. 51% Catholic 27% Hindu 16% Muslim) cp art. 250 up to 5 years imprisonment
Mozambique (South Africa - rel. Traditional 47% 28% Catholic 12% Muslim) cp art. 70 imprisonment for up to 3 years
Namibia (South Africa - rel. Protestant 52% Catholic 17%) Homosexuality is not tolerated, but there are laws that punish
Tanzania (South Africa - rel. Christian 44 % Muslim 37%) of the Criminal Code art. 154 ... imprisonment up to 14 years
Togo (Equatorial Africa - rel. Traditional 50% 15% Catholic 23% Muslim) cp art. imprisonment up to three years
Uganda (Equatorial Africa - rel. Anglican Catholic 45% 39% 11% Muslim) cp art. 140 ... imprisonment, even for life in March 2002, President Museveni, in a speech at a meeting of Commonwealth heads of government in Australia, said that the good results in the fight against AIDS in Uganda were obtained in the country because there are homosexuals. On 30 August the same year, the Minister of Ethics and Integrity has ordered the police to arrest and condemn homosexuals. Throughout the year, agents of the security forces continued to subject harassing members of the gay community, and several people were arrested on grounds of their sexual orientation.
Zambia (Southern Africa - rel. Traditional 27% Protestant 23% Catholic 17%) Charter 87 and 15 to 14 years imprisonment
Zimbabwe (South Africa - rel. Traditional 40% Protestant 34% Catholic 7%) cp art. imprisonment up to three years
Cook, NZ protectorate (rel. 58% Catholic 17% Protestant) cp art. 155 eclusione up to 7 years, but is usually associated with art. 104 (5 years imprisonment)
Fiji (rel. Christian 52% Hindu 38%) cp art.175 imprisonment up to 14 years
Kiribati (rel.cattolica 35% Protestant 38%) cp art. 153 reclusione fino a 14 anni
Marshall (rel. protestante 62% cattolica 8%)Tit. 31.1.XXV.53 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Niue (protettorato NZ - rel. protestante 64% cattolica 4%)c.p. art. 170 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Papua Nuova Guinea (rel. protestante 60% cattolica 28%)c.p. art. il rapporto anale è punito con la reclusione fino a 14 anni
Samoa Ovest (rel. protestante 63% cattolica 21%)c.p. art. 58 reclusione fino a 5 anni
Salomone (rel. protestante 42% anglicana 34%c.p. art. 153 reclusione fino a 14 anni
Tokelau, protettorato NZ (rel. protestante 67% cattolica 30%)c.p. art. 170 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Tonga (rel. protestante 43% Catholic 16%) cp art. 136 imprisonment of up to 10 years
Tuvalu (rel. 86% Protestant) cp art. 153 imprisonment of up to 14 years
AMERICAS Brazil (South America - rel. Catholic 74% Protestant 15%) Homosexuality is not illegal but homophobia and violence are very common. In 1993 Renildo José dos Santos, a bisexual who has publicly declared their sexual orientation, was kidnapped by a death squad in front of the family and the neighborhood, have been recognized as belonging to the police among the kidnappers. His headless body (bearing signs of torture) was found two days later in a landfill. Usually those who are engaged in defending the rights of homosexuals is targeted by the police after the murder of José dos Santos Renildo the only journalist Reinaldo Cabral, who had the courage to Palare murder and police violence, threats received by telephone, April 3, 1994 two armed men entered his house and threatened with a gun and setting fire to their car. On 13 June 1994, two directors of the Brazilian Workers' Party, the lawyer. And the poet Reinaldo Miranda Guedes Da Silva Almeida Filho Hermogenes, who were committed to defending the rights of homosexuals and African-Americans, were killed with a firearm by a gunman tied up - it seems - to the police.
Colombia (South America - rel. Catholic 92%) not There are no laws against homosexuality, but it will also violently persecuted by groups and paramilitary organizations. Numerous death squads kill homosexuals, the homeless, the unemployed and minorities in general, implementing a project of social cleansing. The victims were slaughtered in the streets or abducted and taken somewhere to be later found dead with signs of torture. In most cases the killers remain unpunished.
Costa Rica (Central America - rel. Catholic 86%) In Costa Rica, in 1993, at least seven transvestites have been arbitrarily arrested and detained for several hours by police that they had humiliated and forced to submit to various sexual services.
Cuba (Rel. Catholic 39% Protestant 3% Other 58%) of the Criminal Code art. 303 up to 3 years imprisonment for the public manifestation of homosexuality.
Ecuador (Central America - rel. Catholic 93%), Ecuador is among the few countries in the world to include in its constitution an article against discrimination based on sexual orientation (other countries are Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland). Nevertheless, Latin American country in the discrimination and harassment on grounds of sexual orientation are very frequent. Torture continues to be used to humiliate and punish prisoners LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). In April 2003, two teenage transsexuals are stati "venduti per sesso" dalle guardie ad altri prigionieri del centro di detenzione provvisoria di Guayaquil.
Giamaica (America Centrale - rel. protestante 39% cattolica 10%)c.p. art. 76 ... reclusione e lavori forzati fino a 10 anni Dalla Giamaica pervengono ripetute segnalazioni di violenze nei confronti di omosessuali commesse sia dalla polizia sia da semplici cittadini. Nel gennaio 2002 il governo ha rifiutato di abrogare la legislazione che considera illegali i rapporti sessuali in privato tra uomini adulti consenzienti. A ottobre il Regno Unito ha concesso lo status di rifugiato a un omosessuale con la motivazione secondo cui l'omofobia è così grave in Giamaica da costituire una seria minaccia per la sicurezza personale.Grenada (America Centrale - Rel. Catholic 53% Anglican 14%) cp art. 377 but homosexuality is prohibited and there is no news on penis
Guyana (South America - rel. Hindu 34% Christian 30%) cp art. 351 up to 2 years imprisonment
Mexico (Central America - rel. Catholic 88% Protestant 5%) Homosexuality is not pursued, but more often with group initiatives parapolitici or equipment that are not pursued. Between 1991 and 1994 12 gays have been killed in the state of Chiapas. One of them, Neftali Ramirez Ruiz, was the vice-chairman of the Tuxtla Gutìevrez gays and transvestites. Ramirez has certainly been achieved by a shot fired by a police officer but the investigation into his death was covered up per nascondere le torture e gli abusi subiti dai membri di questo gruppo.
Nicaragua (America Centrale - rel. cattolica 73% protestante 17%)c.p. art. 205 reclusione fino a 3 anni
Puerto Rico (U.S.A - rel cattolica 65% protestante 28%)c.p. art. 103 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Trinidad e Tobago (Centramerica - rel cattolica 30% protestante 29% induista 24%)sess. 13 reclusione fino a 10 anni
Turks e Caicos - Regno Unito (America del Nord - rel. protestante)c.p. art. 41 reclusione anche a vita, a discrezione del giudice
U.S.A.Negli Stati Uniti una sentenza della Corte Suprema del 26 giugno 2003 ha reso incostituzionali le leggi contro la sodomia che erano ancora in vigore in diversi Stati dell'Unione. La sentenza fu emessa alla conclusione del ricorso presentato dal cittadino Lawrence contro lo Stato del Messico. Lawrence e il suo compagno erano stati arrestati e privati dei diritti civili in quanto sorpresi a consumare un rapporto sessuale nella propria abitazione. Riportiamo comunque la situazione legislativa negli Stati Uniti in vigore fino al 26 giugno 2003(vedi mappa a fianco)Ci sono 10 Stati che hanno leggi contro la sodomia che valgono sia per gli eterosessuali che per gli omosessuali:Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia Ci sono poi 4 Stati con leggi contro la sodomia valide solo per gli omosessuali: Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, TexasPer completare l'informazione List some other states with the year they were abolished laws against sodomy: Illinois (1962) Connecticut (1971) Colorado (1972) Oregon (1972) Delaware (1973) Hawaii (1973) Ohio (1974) North Dakota (1975) New Hampshire (1975) New Mexico (1975) California (1976) Maine (1976) Washington (1976) West Virginia (1976) Indiana (1977) South Dakota (1977) Vermont (1977) Wyoming (1977) Nebraska (1978 ) Iowa (1978) New Jersey (1979) Alaska (1980) Wisconsin (1983) Nevada (1993) District of Columbia (1993) Rhode Island (1998) Arizona (2001)
As you can see it is not theoretical question concerning generic as despicable homophobic attitudes. This is a huge number of states that have transposed into their national legal specific laws against homosexuality, and punishing with severe penalties in seven states with the death!
surprising then that the Vatican has deployed against the request for decriminalization of homosexuality and even more surprised by the reasons with which it was based on that position, expressed in an interview by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Observer of the Vatican at the UN ( The Vatican is in fact one of two states that did not join the United Nations)
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church, he says, not today, not against homosexual persons is should avoid any sign of unjust discrimination. But here, the question is `other. With a declared value policy, endorsed by a group of countries calling on States and international mechanisms for implementation and monitoring of human rights to add new categories protected from discrimination, without considering that, if adopted, they will create new and relentless discrimination . For example, states that do not recognize the union between same-sex "marriage" will be pilloried and made under pressure. "
not a little risky this statement? This says that groped to prevent a state to detain and kill the men guilty of loving same-sex would be going to the discrimination of those states that do not recognize same-sex unions. As if the two could be put on the same floor, first of all! And then what is the logical step? How to jail in preventing a gay discriminate against countries that do not allow gay marriage?
would be like saying that, for example, in the stand against the persecution of priests in some nations, it would trigger the mechanisms of discrimination against states which apply the principle of separation of church and state.
I think that faced with similar arguments as justification for disengagement in the fight against religious persecution, the Vatican would respond with strength and the highest level.
This position simply can not stand: logic but also lacks common sense, because it is intuitive to think that they are still in the position of having to fight to prevent it from being imprisoned or killed those who are not sexually standardized, it would be counterproductive to raise at least the level of requests to the recognition of equal rights between heterosexual and homosexual copies, because in this way, they feed fears homophobic, even in those sectors of public opinion that could recognize, but with difficulty, the injustice of criminalization of sexual choices ...
clarified this aspect can not be to renounce Better to point out that Monignor, in practice, said that is not appropriate to take action against sex discrimination because it could create a discrimination against those states that apply to discrimination on the basis of sexual behavior and choices!
E 'worth remembering that homosexuality is not only linked to sexuality.
And 'in fact a condition that directly affects the emotional sphere, although, from a scientific perspective, it has not yet reached its clear and unambiguous definition.
The scientific world recognizes, however, that one of the reasons that have so far prevented an exact definition of scientific Homosexuality lies in the lack of a minimum set of data that realizes the consent of the majority of researchers, and this is due to the injury, in some way influenced the research method and approach that seeks to to explain the existence of homosexuality, regardless of the question on the origins of heterosexuality, as is well explained on Wikipedia:
"too much of this research posits heterosexuality as a given fact that there is in and of itself , which needs no explanation, not an evolution, not a diachronic history but it is a given fixed, eternal, equal to sé stesso da tutti i secoli e nella vita di ogni singolo individuo. Il che equivale, dal punto di vista metodologico, a voler spiegare cosa sia il ghiaccio rifiutando di sapere cosa siano l'acqua o il vapore: un approccio scientifico che postulasse, a priori, che acqua e ghiaccio sono realtà diverse, non studiabili contemporaneamente, non otterrebbe in effetti "spiegazioni" più di quante ne abbia ottenute la ricerca sulle cause dell'omosessualità”
In ogni caso gli studi scientifici sono riusciti perlomeno ad escludere che l’omosessualità sia una malattia o un disturbo psichiatrico, come è stato definitivamente riconosciuto sia Dall’ American Psychiatric Association (APA) nel That by 1987 'World Health Organization in 1990, with the decision became official with the promulgation of the DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in 1994.
Finally the official position of the scientific world, both in the U.S. , and in other Western countries, including Italy, is that homosexuality is "a variant of human sexual behavior."
E 'then a state, a human condition that affects not only sexual behavior but also on affective.
It goes without saying then that does not recognize homosexual unions rights and protections similar to those granted to heterosexual marriages is a form of discrimination that severely restricts the individual rights of the person, establishing the legal differences that range from over-protection of the traditional family to the total lack of interest, when there is no explicit repression, with regard to the homosexual. With serious repercussions for the individual rights in the field of inheritance law, for example, pension, and in general can be represented in case of need from the person you love and with whom it was decided to divide his life.
Once recognized homosexuality as a variant of sexual behavior, and then as a condition of "innate", restrict the rights of homosexuals has the same value that restrict the rights of a person because he was born with blond hair in a company of Moors or vice versa!
course, the Church's position on the part of other conditions.
The thought of a religious nature in general does not recognize the issue of "causes" of homosexuality, if not as a moral issue.
religious thought, unless some distinctions, for example, in the Anglican church does not recognize homosexuality as a condition somehow "innate". Neglects her emotional side that is independent of sex or rather induces homosexual behavior as is the case with heterosexual behavior.
ignoring the scientific data on religious thought postula l’esistenza di una natura umana univoca e quindi ritiene che chi abbia comportamenti contrari a quelli stabiliti dalla natura, lo faccia per vizio o per scelta morale “contro natura”,
Da qui l’atteggiamento di molte chiese cristiane, convinte del fatto che con la volontà e la preghiera sia possibile "guarire" dall'omosessualità (una convinzione espressa in associazioni che sono la loro emanazione, come Exodus International , Courage , e Living Waters , quest'ultima operante anche in Italia),
A parte il fatto che questa posizione cozza in modo lampante con la constatazione che l’omosessualità non è una condizione esclusiva della razza human, but is fairly widespread in all animal species for which I think is not possible to attribute the ability of moral or ideological choices, I also recognize the church the right to express positions unscientific, denouncing it as a sin for others is not only legitimate but ethically necessary.
(for example, I order that the church use of condoms, although they are the only effective means to prevent sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS.)
said that, let also to religion, the churches and their Perhaps the faithful of the rules of social behavior consistent with their doctrines.
Let the Church continue to think that homosexuality is curable by prayer and abstinence, while not giving up, however, the right to criticize these positions, highlighting its contradictions and sometimes absurdities, such as the video of Severus and Ornella De Tommasi Zordo (heal you must: Church and Homosexuality) censored by You Tube but transmitted by Arcoiris TV ( )
Let the Church lpropagandi his positions, even when these positions hinder the solution of serious problems such as AIDS, but rifiutiamoci to passively accept the claim that these positions are fair because only expressed by a religion and a Church whatever it is.
Rifiutiamoci to passively accept that individual choice will not harm others, can pass from the sphere of ethics and morality to that of criminal law, law enforcement and social discrimination!
and denounce the hypocrisy and bad faith when they are as evident as in the case of the statement of Archbishop Celestino Migliore, which on the one hand recognizes that homosexuals are subjected to unfair discrimination, forgetting, however, that such discrimination also stem from the positions of almost all faiths who insist on considering homosexuality a vice, a deviation from the common morality that must be fought even accepting, as a lesser evil, which a gay man can be jailed and killed, while not running the risk of recognizing those rights that only the ideological intolerance can get to deny.
Homosexuals are a minority discriminated against because the dominant system is not uniform and nonuniform because their diversity is born of a choice but a condition.
Despite the efforts will not be possible to eliminate this "problem", if not eliminating homosexuals. But this physical removal, although not systematic can have no end, because the homosexual is the result of heterosexual union. And 'one of the options of nature. It must, sooner or later, take note ...
Although this may not appeal, even if it disturbs the so-called normal, let's not forget that by accepting the logic of repression of diversity, there will always be someone more equal than others who will have the opportunity to lash out at each new variety, whatever it is.
First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.
Then they came for the homosexuals and I was relieved because I was annoying.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not say anything because it does I was a communist.
One day they came for me and there was no one left who could protest.
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)
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