(La leggenda di Hans Brinker, il ragazzo che salvò l'Olanda dall'inondazione infilando il dito in un foro della diga)
Sabato 10 Novembre 2007
Certo le notizie sui giornali di Giovedì e Venerdì erano allarmanti: "Allarme maltempo in Olanda, chiuso il porto di Rotterdam.
Allarme dighe lungo la costa olandese per l'avvicinarsi di una tempesta nel mare del Nord e come misura precauzionale verrà attivata stanotte per la prima volta dalla sua installazione la diga che blocca l'accesso al porto di Rotterdam.
La barriera sarà posizionata stanotte per la prima volta e impedirà l'ingresso e l'uscita port from 9 tonight until 6 am tomorrow.
The local authorities decided to alert the security services along the Dutch coast, a measure taken recently in 1976. The Dutch weather service expected gale force 9. "
Why not go take a look in person?
So today I was equipped with a map of Holland and I went to the coast. My goal is not, however, Rotterdam, but the barrier Oosterscheldekering .
built between the islands of Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland, is the largest of 13 dams on the ambitious Delta Project, designed to protect most of the territory Dutch flood, like that of 1953.
9 km long, the barrier was originally designed and partially implemented as a closed dam, after large public protests, however, were built of the sliding doors are usually open but may be closed due to adverse weather conditions. In this way, the estuary of the Schelde ecosystem is preserved, as well as economic activities linked to fishing.
Work began in April 1976 and October 4, 1986 Queen Beatrix officially opened the impressive work, considered by many as the Eighth Wonder of the World.
It is also seen from satellite !
A Dutch law regulates the conditions under which you can close the dam water level must be at least 3 feet above normal.
The dam was closed only 24 times since its construction, the last on November 8, 2007!
Here is a brief movie of the barrier:
look as impressive!
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