Saturday, October 6, 2007
" Bonsai is the art of creating miniature trees, grown for years in a small bowl. With this particular technique is in fact driving the plant material to take on shapes and sizes spirals, while fully respecting the balance of vegetation and functional. "(Wikipedia )
I've always been tempted to buy a bonsai and today, after much hesitation, ne ho preso uno (all'IKEA, tanto per cambiare)!
Trattasi di Ficus Ginseng. vediamo qualche consiglio che ho trovato in rete su come prendermi cura del mio bonsai:
- "Il Ficus è il classico bonsai da interno (anche se il mio è Ginseng, si riconosce dal tronco ciccione). Riesce a vegetare bene in ambienti poco luminosi, dove altre piante non riuscirebbero a sopravvivere e richiede pochissime cure per vivere in salute. Le varietà esistenti in natura sono migliaia (a cominciare dal Fico comune, fino ad arrivare ai Ficus repens rampicanti) ma quello che viene maggiormente utilizzato nella tecnica bonsai è il Ficus Retusa.
- Il tronco di questo Ficus è robusto e sinuoso, con la corteccia molto chiara, a volte segnata da chiazze bianche orizzontali. Negli esemplari adulti la base del tronco si presenta ricca di radici contorte che suscitano sempre una forte impressione; ma la caratteristica che rende il Ficus unico tra i bonsai, è quella delle radici aeree: le quali, partendo dai rami arrivando fino a terra, diventando a loro volta dei tronchi secondari. Le foglie sono ovali, appuntite, di un bel verde intenso, inoltre, non è raro veder fruttificare questa pianta, che produce dei piccoli fichi giallognoli.
- Esposizione: in primavera, quando le temperature non scendono più sotto i dieci gradi, è conveniente tenere il bonsai all’esterno in pieno sole: un’adeguata illuminazione permette alla pianta di vegetare con force, producing sturdy branches, small leaves, compact and uniform vegetation.
- In summer, unlike other bonsai, Ficus can also stay in the sun, provided that the vessel is protected from the sun's rays, so as not to overheat the roots, or, you can return home by placing it in a well-lit place in front of a window.
- In autumn, the Ficus can stay home, or you can keep outdoors. Of course, when temperatures begin to drop below 10 degrees, you must immediately admit the bonsai at home.
- In winter, Ficus should stay at home because, as mentioned above, this essence can not stand temperatures below 10 degrees.
- a saucer filled with wet gravel helps to keep the right humidity to the plant, in summer, when it is hot, in winter, when heaters dry heated air. This arrangement, in addition to maintaining a microclimate suitable for bonsai, it is also useful to prevent the infestation of red spider. If the window is exposed to the sun, will be veiled by a curtain so that the leaves are burned by the 'lens effect'.
- Watering: Use a watering can with a delicate head, plenty of water the ficus, but only when the soil is dry, repeating the operation two or three times at a distance a few minutes, to ensure that the substrate absorbs the spilled water. If your bonsai is kept indoors, it becomes important to make sure, before watering, the soil is still wet. In autumn, when the days begin to shorten and the sun is low, irrigation should be thinned, as the bonsai will consume much less water, compared to the summer
- Pruning: The best time for pruning Ficus is the spring: in April-May you can cut the branches with the certainty of an early vegetative growth. Remember that the wood of this plant is tender and fibrous, so the healing takes place quickly but not very aesthetic: especially large cuts tend to form a bulge excessive, therefore, it is important to doctors with the pulp healing. The pruning of the branches are made in the concave cutter and the choice of branches to be shortened or eliminated depending on the style of bonsai, but in any case be disposed of the branches that grow vertically, those that cross, or that grow into the ' internal and those arising under the base of another branch, also in the presence of conflicting or parallel branches, one of them must be cut.
- Staple: Ficus in the production of new shoots is almost continuous throughout the year, therefore, necessary to use several times a stapling technique in order to maintain the line of bonsai, which if not sheared, becomes a shapeless bush in no time. Of course, not to weaken the plant, must wait until the hair fall out a lot of shoots with at least 5-6 leaves, and then, using long scissors, you make the cut after the second or third leaf.
- Defoliation: This technique is useful to reduce the size of the leaves, apply in the month of June. The operation is carried out with the special defoliator, removing all the leaves of the bonsai. After a few days, the plant produces new leaves, smaller than the previous ones, which make the bonsai proportioned and harmonious. In order to avoid a withdrawal of sap, which would dry branches left naked, it is very important to leave a leaf on top of each branch, leaf, that goes off only when new leaves appear along the same branch.
- Repotting: The best time for repotting is from April to May. It is used, typically, a vase enameled oval or rectangular, a length of about 70% of the height of bonsai. As with all evergreens, Ficus repotted not go bare-root: the root system must be reduced by about half, trying not to move too the bread of land remaining at the base of the trunk. The substrate must have good drainage, so you can use the land Akadama, or a soil containing organic matter (eg, Compost Pronto) che richiederà minori annaffiature d’estate. Dopo il rinvaso, per circa venti giorni, non concimare, effettuare delle nebulizzazioni settimanali con la vitamina B (Sprintene) e tenere il bonsai all’esterno ma non al sole.
- Concimazione: il Ficus, essendo una pianta che vive in casa, vegeta praticamente tutto l’anno, perciò le concimazioni dovranno essere continue, diradandone la frequenza solo nei mesi di novembre e dicembre. Il concime può essere liquido (da somministrare ogni 10-15 giorni) o solido a lenta cessione (somministrare ogni 40-50 giorni) in quest’ultimo caso è conveniente utilizzare il Biogold o l’Aburukasu, i quali non provocano cattivi odori, fattore importante for plants that live in the house.
- wire Application: the bark of Ficus is particularly tender and extremely fast growth of its branches, so when you apply the aluminum wire to guide the branches, we must remember not to tighten too much, otherwise the bark might be marked after a few giorni.Il wire can be applied throughout the year.
- pest: the bitterest enemies of this plant are: the red spider (nearly microscopic mites that infest our bonsai regularly during the summer months, dropping all their leaves), cochineal (identified by the presence of small "balls cotton "to root of leaves) and sooty mold (black powder on the leaves). An effective defense is represented by preventive treatments carried out on a weekly basis, using either an acaricide, a fungicide and a anticocciniglia. "
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